Saturday, April 4, 2015

Mr Cardmaker is CLEARLY a Twelve-Year-Old

Hi there. You may be wondering why I haven't posted lately (or not), so I felt the need to share that we are in the middle of a move to Massachusetts, and things have been more than hairy around here. We DID manage a little vacation in the midst of it all, because it was PAID FOR, so that says even more about why I haven't been here in blogland. I will get back to posting more regularly ASAP, but until then, please enjoy this crazy post...

A few years ago, I read Misadventures in the (213) by Dennis Hensley. Amazon has it HERE.
I read it on vacation in Key West, and I made a HUGE fool out of myself, cackling and ROARING from my poolside lounge chair. One of the funniest books, EVAH. For reals.

In it, the main character talks about the game he plays with his starlet best friend.
It's called smelt it, dealt it, and it pretty much involves what you think it does.

So, you open any magazine, find a photo with two or more people, and decide who is the dealer, and who is the smeller.

Things like this are especially good--

Get it?

The more subtle ones are even funnier--


Ok, before I lose you for good....
I made some cards!
I HAVE mentioned that the kids in my family are almost ALL BOYS, right?
Boys get these things..

I fell in deep, deep love with Tim Holtz's Bird Crazy stamps, and, well, let's say they SPOKE to me (ahem).

Using these wonderful, crazy fowl, I made these--
The "Smelt it, Dealt it" series!


And inside--

Okay, the red-rimmed, glossy eyes on these birds STILL make me giggle like a fool...


And inside-

Next, I limited the amount of coloring I did, to exaggerate the eyes...
And inside--

Trying things in reverse order...



And inside-
That chick's face just KILLS me. 

Now, these birds stack up nicely, don't they?...

And inside--

Yes, they do indeed sell that stamp...

Well, if you're not COMPLETELY offended, you hopefully got a good laugh here today.
I know my boys will get a chuckle on their birthdays, and I'll save that last one as a good "cheer up" card for just the right person.

Now, go find a magazine and have yourself a laugh!

Thanks so much for stopping by (and for indulging my 12 year-old self)!
All Best-

PS-See you soon!