Friday, June 10, 2011

A Silly Little Tidbit and a Teaser Alert!

So, I just started doing this recently, and although most of us probably already do this sometimes, I thought I'd throw it out there.

I had a burst of creativity, and busted out my stuff.  I went to mount my cling stamp to a block, and whoops!, no block.  Rats, I say.  Rats.

Lazy is one of my middle names (along with hungry), so instead of going to FIND an acrylic block, I grabbed the lid of my stamp pad, and used it, like this.

How easy is THAT?!  Especially when you just have one stinking tiny little stamp to do....right?
If you use a bigger stamp, you should probably think about how the center of that lid will need some extra pressure, since it is much flimsier than the acrylic block.  I have had no issues with smaller stamps at all.

I am sending this to Top Tip Tuesday.  I hope they like it.  You can find them HERE.

Anyway, that's the end of my story.

HOWEVER!!!    SUPER prolific day yesterday and this morning, too.  I'll have tons to share with you very soon!  Watch this space!  


  1. A dinner plate works in pinch, too. Just say'n. Although, the bottom of a clear glass is see-through, so sometimes that is a good choice for smaller learn these things in desperate times! HA!

  2. Who'd a thunked? I've not seen that anywhere on a blog. I do believe you are a first. Great tip for the day!
    P.S. If you submit a card at Top Tip Tuesday and add a TIP, you're eligible to win prizes!! You'd be an excellent candidate for this. Just sayin' :D
    Can't wait to hear the good news....

  3. Hi Richard,
    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I added a tutorial just for you at the end of the post. Hope it's informative. :)
    Have a great one.

  4. A good and useful tip. Love to see a card in the challenge too. Thanks for entering it into the Top Tip Tuesday challenge. Elaine

  5. Fab tip, i have had to do that before my self, although it didn't work as planned! Thanks for sharing your useful tip with us over at Top Tip Tuesday! x

  6. Richard what a great Top Tip - so glad you linked to us - however to be in the running for the prize (and it's a good'un!) you need to add a link in your post to Top Tip Tuesday :)

    Carol x

  7. BRILLIANT!! But, I know I've already said that before. :D
    SOOOO happy to see you entering this tip into TTT!
    As soon as I finish commenting on entries, I'll be back around to peruse your blog.
    Hope you're doing well. :D
    Lisa xx
    Thanks again for joining us at Top Tip Tuesday.
    Good luck to you!!!

  8. Richard I'm so glad you linked your tip back to us at Top Tip Tuesday, it's fab :)

    Carol x


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