Saturday, July 16, 2011

Got Ten Minutes?

If you've got ten minutes, you can have a card.  The Free for All Friday challenge at StampTV this week was to make a card in ten minutes or less.  I knew I had some summer stickers hanging out in the bottom of my embellies box, so I quick-like-a-bunny came up with this--

My apologies for the weird color.  I actually fixed this one TWICE, but it somehow doesn't translate to blogger.  I need to practice with my picasa program, I guess.

Now, could this BE any easier? SO I cut a piece of blue green DCWV cardstock to 11"x4 1/4", and using my Scor-Pal, scored it at 5 1/2 inches and made a topfold card base. 
I then, again on my Scor-Pal, which I use on EVERY project I do, I scored the dry embossed lines that you see on the edges of the card.  The series of five lines at the bottom started at 1/8" from the edge, and happen at 1/16" increments.  The lines on the sides and top are at 1/8" in from the sides.  

The cute stickers are A touch of Joleen's, the sunbather set, which I got for a dollar at AC Moore during a sale.  I have enough left in that pack to do another one of these (maybe in orange?).

The sentiment is by my friend Melanie Meunchinger for GinaK Designs, Gifts from the Sea set.  I stamped it in Memento Tuxedo Black ink. 

 And, there she is.  I think five minutes of the ten was deciding what I wanted to do. 

I like a challenge, every now and again.  Anybody know of any challenges/challenge sites out there worth checking  out?   Drop me a link, and let's see what you're doing for these challenges! 

Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your weekend!
All Best-


  1. Great card Richard!! and i just LOVE your blog-name LOL - so funny. Fantastic blog!

  2. Another fun card that you 'quick like a bunny' put together!!! Love coming here and seeing what you create! Thanks for sharing your summer card... As for challenges, there are tons of them. If you have any sweet treat type of stamps, you might want to enter the CAS challenge this week at CAS-ual Friday's. The prize is worth about $100!!! Have a great day!

  3. Here is another one for you if you like sketches. We have great prizes every week!

  4. This is really cute! I love using dry embossed lines as accents!

  5. Hi, Richard! Very cute, especially for such a short time frame. I love Jolee's stickers. So detailed. I always forget the impact a few score lines can make - thanks for reminding me!

    Favorite challenges? Well, I am particularly partial to TCP Tuesday (from The Cat's Pajamas); Kraftin' Kimmie's Saturday Challenge, Mojo Monday, Jen's SFYTT (Sketch For You To Try - a monthly sketch challenge), and the Color Throwdown (a weekly color challenge, which is issued every Wednesday). Yeah, yeah, I know I'm on all of those DTs, but only because I love 'em. Come play with us sometime!

  6. Very cute card!!!

    I have had trouble with blogger pictures also...I have resorted to uploading to flickr and then just linking my flickr picture to my blog post.....

    I was having trouble with fuzzy images and I knew my images were NOT fuzzy!!!

    Hope that helps! Your cards are wonderful!


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