Friday, July 22, 2011

Lucky Me, Lucky Me!!!

A while ago, I did a posting or two about all the lovely things my buddy AJ Otto sent me to play with.  Paying it forward, she said.  Well, I have been graced to have not one, but TWO benefactors this week!!!  I got two majorly stuffed priority mail envelopes on Wednesday, and found them chock-a-block filled will stamps and papers and ribbons.....Enough to keep this newbie busy for weeks and weeks!

Who are these most generous ladies?  Well, as far as I can tell, they probably know one another, but I doubt each of them knew the other's movements.  They are Ms Emily Giovanni and Ms Michelle Woerner, both of whom I have come into with through StampTV.  They have both been so kind and encouraging and generous of spirit, and now they have been really generous with their supplies too! 

Emily sent me SEVEN GinaK Designs stamp sets.  I don't even know where to begin.  Then she also slid in some beautiful grosgrain ribbons to play with, too....Lots of it, in several colors.  Wow.  Lucky Me!

Then, in envelope #2, there were two out-of-this-world DP collections, a big bag of really beautiful buttons, more stamps, more ribbon (did I mention I am a nut about ribbon?), and a BoBunny cardmaking kit. (This I got merely a glimpse of, because my partner grabbed it and announced HE was going to make some cards now. Yours Truly has a birthday in a couple of weeks, you see...)  SO many beautiful things.....Again, Lucky Me!!!

And the CARDS!!!!  They each sent with all of these magnificent playthings, GORGEOUS cards, of their own making, of course.  That may have been the best part!! 

Well, I cannot thank these ladies enough.  I just can't.  However, they should be watching their mail; my feeble attempts are on their way.

SO, with my new toys, I made this!
This was made from a sketch from CPS, and I think I will enter the contest this week with it. 
The downlow on the supplies:
Cardstock: GinaK Designs, DCWV
Ink: Ink it Up, plum and walnut
Dies: Spellbinders, labels four, grommet tags
Stamps: GinaK Designs, All Occasions Greetings
Embellishments: ribbons, buttons, brads

I used the inks to highlight the edges of almost all the cardstock and paper with a direct to paper technique.
The triangles are popped up with foam squares, as is the tag.  I used teeny tiny strips of paper to make the stitching on the buttons, and applied them to the card front with glue dots.

The papers are from Michelle, and the ribbon is from Emily.  Merci, Ladies!!
Am I lucky, or WHAT?  Maybe they should call me Lucky Breaks, instead of Richard Breaks.  That would be catchy, right?  Or is it Kitschy?  Yeah, maybe the latter....

Thanks for stopping by! 
All Best-


  1. Very cool card and great photography, Richard! Welcome to the addictive world of stamps, paper and ribbon.

  2. Wonderful card, Richard and I hope you enjoy your new goodies! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, how much fun is that!?! You will be like a kid in a candy store, trying to figure out what to use first!!! Just beware, darlin', no matter HOW much paper you have, or HOW many stamps you have, there is always one more stamp, one more tool, etc....!!! Just sayin... Well, I know what YOU will be doing this weekend! Have fun with all these goodies! I think you will find that stamping friends are the kindest, warmest, and most generous people you will ever cross paths with! Have a great day :)

  4. This is such a pretty card! I love it! Nothing like some fun free goodies!!!!

  5. Hi Richard! I am so glad the package arrived safe and sound. How funny your partner grabbed the Bo Bunny cardmaking kit! Grab it back, cause it's really cool. I won it from Paper Crafts and never had the time to do anything with it. Enjoy!!

    Cute card too! I spy some of the Pink Paislee papers and buttons. Happy stamping -michelle

  6. Hey Richard! It sounds like you got some great stuff! I'm excited for you! You will find that you won't meet any nicer, sweeter, more generous people than here in the cardmaking/scrapping world. I have been doing this only a little over 3 years, and have met some of the most wonderful people. Some of my best friends are my blogging buddies. I would also like to contribute to helping you with a few things if you would allow me. Could you email me with your snail mail address ( I'm sure I can add to your collection too. And as Patti said there is always another stamp, more paper, another tool, etc. that you are just gonna have to have! LOL Love the card. You've got talent in putting different patterns together which I always struggle with. Great job! Best, Curt

  7. EEEK...this is breath taking!! Love this card. :D

  8. gorgeous card!! And here I didn't even know you loved ribbon! Although what paper crafter doesn't....anyway, enjoy all the goodies!

  9. Richard glad you enjoy card making; ideas will just keep popping in your mind. Enjoy, especially with all the wonderful stamps you received.

  10. Yea for you Richard!! SOOO glad you are getting more supplies!! I will send some more your way when I am all done with my treatments- I will have LOTS to part with by then!! hugs to you-


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