Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Very A*Mused, Indeed

Last Sunday, I was fortunate enough to make my way to Arlington, MA, to participate in an open house held by the lovely and talented Ms. Liz Ballard.  Liz is an A*Muse Studio consultant, and I happened to find her on my search for a copic marker instructor.  She led me into another area for the copic stuff, but she was kind enough to invite me to her open house, to meet some of her peeps, and to get acquainted with A*Muse studio. I had never been to Arlington, and I was definitely into seeing some new product lines...who isn't? 

Anyway, she had a small gathering, and together (more or less) we each made our versions of these really fun cards--

Adorable, right?  Notice I have no watermark on these photos.  These are Liz's design work, not mine.  I was just lucky enough to be able to make and take them with me!  Thanks for a great time, Liz, Andrea, Mary Sara, Amy and Kathy!!

Aren't those clouds just TOO cute?  Those were made with an A*Muse Studio die.  Had to have it, and the one that die cuts GRASS!!  And some Christmas stamps, and some paper......You know, I pretty much spent WAY too much money.  In fact, when Charlie asked me how much I spent, I had to tell him, "Nunya."  As in, Nunya business. 'Sright.

Speaking of the grass die, Liz was so sweet to let me play with hers.  I cut a couple of pieces, and smuggled them out with me.  I really liked them SO much.  I can't wait for my order to arrive, but I have to, because Liz is holding it until I am able to shop the Holiday catalog after Aug. 22.  Wah, I say.  Wah.

Now that the pity party is over, I'll show you what I did with the grass cuts.
I made these--

So, these had an interesting creation.  I had the two pieces of grass die cuts, each of them about 5 1/2" long.  I really had no idea WHAT I was going to do with them, but I really wanted to use them asap.  SO, out came all the inks, papers and stuff. 

I got out a sponge dauber, and I sponged SU grass green on the blades of grass. I set them aside, and on a piece of white cardstock, I put down some post-its to make a mask, and I sponged more grass green onto the lower 2/5ths of the paper.  I turned it around, and sponged SU Ballet Blue on the top part, leaving some light places to make some clouds.  I added the grass die cuts, popping just the bottom one off the cardstock, in order to give the illusion of depth.

Ok. Sky and grass.  Lots of empty space.  Lots of possibilities.  Now what? 

I pulled out some SU stamps, Pocket Silhouettes, to be exact, and went to town with some SU inkspots , and made the garden of flowers.  Then, feeling like it was a bit flat, I pulled out my GinaK Designs Follow Your Dreams set, and added the dragon flies, stamping them both on the card stock, and onto a scrap to be colored and cut out to stick on for more dimension. 
Ok. Looks pretty good.  Pretty good, but not great.

I cut it in half!  Way to give the elements much more importance! 

I knew I wanted to use some of the new A*Muse paper I had just picked up, so I pulled out a sage piece and made it the card base for both of the cards.  Then I grabbed some of my new papers from my friend Michelle, these DP pieces are from MME-Quite Contrary.  I scallop edge punched the checked paper, and pierced the scallops with my piercing tool.  Then I layered it with some DCWV teal card stock, and in the first card, I popped it off the card front with some mounting tape.  I think it almost looks like an awning. 
Then some more DP, with a green cs backing, this from one of my value packs.  Yup, still trying to use that bad boy up.  Truth be told, I really do like the lighter weight for layering; I just would avoid it for card bases.
Some ribbon and brads from AC Moore, and it's done! 

But wait.  Hmmm.....
I think it's still just a tiny bit flat.  Not to worry!  I have a Glitter pen!!!  After going over stems and dragonflies and flowers, I felt that the negative space was the thing that was still bothering  me, so in a moment of inspiration, I did the random flightpath of the dragonfly, my mind's eye's version of it, anyway, in the less populated areas of the card base.  Now we're talking.  Done and done.

I think my favorite part of doing cards is the organic emergence that happens when you just grab your stuff and get started.  There are definitely some cards that have hit the heap and will never see the light of day, for sure, but I even have a few early cards that just want some tweaking.  And I'll get to those one day.  Really.  But just stamp and cut.  DO it. I looked at that grass die cut for no less than 4 days before I got inspired.

My list of followers has really grown, thanks to my buddy Melanie's blog candy bribe (which is over, sad to say).  Thanks to everyone who's joined on recently, and continued love to my tried and true gang! 
I turn 48 (!) tomorrow, and having 48 followers to mark the day would be so cool!  That's only 4 more.  Surely you know a friend who could use some bloggy inspiration?  

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Say hello, why don'tcha?
All Best--


  1. Cute cards! I love the one you designed with the grass cuts! Very nice!

  2. OMG...Happy EARLY birthday to you!!! So happy you have so many followers (bribery works, but I think it's your mad skills that draw them in. )
    So happy for you.
    Lisa xx

  3. Nice make and takes. Really like your dragonfly cards. Nice layouts. Hope you have a great birthday tomorrow. . . Best, Curt

  4. Richard, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! I love the cards you made with Liz and am just blown away by the scene you've created with the grass and the dragonfly - the flight path is awesome detail! Like fairy dust or magic!


  5. HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Richard! It is still Aug 3 here so I am not too late (almost, though)! Hope you had a super day and received lots of nice presents! Love these cards - you did a great job with them!

  6. Richard, I love coming to your blog. It is just like chatting with you in person. I wanted to comment of the card you made for Melanie's site. The one that looks like blue tile. I was blown away because it looks so real, it looks as if you took a picture of tile from someones wall. Absolutely fantastic job. But then all of your cards are wonderful. Keep creating and I will return. Janet Leffler

  7. Richard, Firstly thank you for commenting on my card - always appreciate the comments! I have been admiring your work and it is fun to read your posts to explain how you have actually done it all. Your beautiful shading really makes the pictures come to life - the sky and clouds on these cards are perfect! Happy belated birthday!!

  8. Sorry I missed your birthday, Richard it was a super busy week getting ready for the release! :( Hope it was a very happy one and you'll have a nice post to share detailing all you did to celebrate. hugs! (Your card with the cut grass is fabulous!)

  9. Hi Richard! Happy belated Birthday!!! I hope you had a great one. Love this post, and to see all the cards you created. Sounds like you really had a great time! Very cool.

  10. Hey Richard! Just checking in. . .hope you had a great birthday! Best, Curt

  11. How did I miss this post? It was so great to see you at the Open House, and I am so glad that you smuggled out those grass pieces to come up with more fabulous creations of your own! Man, you are talented. I just love the colors you chose -- beautiful together, and great composition. Bravo!

  12. these are all sooo adorable, sounds lik you had a great time. I saw the the new amuse cattie and it is soooo sweet....cute stuff. I hope you have a super week!

    enjoy *~*


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