Friday, September 16, 2011

Mr.Cardmaker is a Sneaky-Peeky Guy

So, I've been sort of spotty with my postings, lately, I know, but I am off to PARIS on Sunday (that's in TWO DAYS!!!), so I promise I will have lots to show when I get home.  Maybe even some stamping/cardmaking stuff from la France!

I made  the cutest little card set for Halloween, and just to make sure you come back in a week or so, I'll give you a peek at one of them....

I made this thing--

Wait until you see what this guy can do!!!  I have monsters, too!  Come back and see them!

See you in a week!
Au Revior!
All Best--


  1. That is SO STINKING ADORABLE!!! I love it!! And I hope you have an absolutely FABULOUS time in France!

  2. Oh my gosh, Richard - this is so cute!!! Great job. Have a wonderful, incredible time in Paris! Can't wait to hear all of the stories you have to tell when you return!!! Safe travels, my friend!

  3. ADORABLE!!! Such a simple design with so much personality!! Love it!

  4. Oh, come on....seriously?'re making us wait? It's like being all cuddled up on the couch. Popcorn in hand, fireplace going, comfy blanket and you're at the pivotal point in a really great movie...and, the power goes out. WHAT THE....??? Sniff, sniff...sigh.
    Please let me know when you return me to the regularly scheduled program... :D
    Have a fantastic trip and I'll just be here pacing your worries, it's cool...have fun!

  5. AAAACK!!! This is ADORABLE! Hope you're having a blast in Paris - can't wait to read all about it and live vicariously through you. Au revoir, ma cherie!


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