Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mr. Cardmaker has a Banner Day

I tend to keep to cardmaking.  I don't do a ton of 3-D projects, tags, boxes, what-have-yous.....

HOWEVER!!  I did decide to try my hand at some rosettes, with the use of my VERY-important-to-all-my-projects Scor-Pal. 

Rosettes are pretty easy to make, except for the fact that I consistently burn my fingers with the heat of my hot melt glue. 

This is what I made--

 Actually, I made it way too long, so I made two; one for each side of the doorway.

I used all kinds of papers, mostly scraps from all my Autumn and Halloween cards. 

Now, if I were to do this again, I would definitely be sure to use double-sided paper for the flag parts (the hanging pointy pieces).  Live and learn on that one.  I am going with the idea that the fact that there's two pieces makes it all okay.  You're going there with me, right?  Oh, good.....

I decorated the centers with leaf punch-outs, circles, and crescent moons also made with punches.

I made these by adding punched circle centers to my scored and folded paper with my hot melt glue gun.  I stumbled onto a tutorial at some point, and that's they way they did it.  I understand there are about a hundred ways to do these, some fabulous dies that help you, and all kinds of other ideas.  I definitely think they are worth a look.  I banged this puppy out in two sittings; one to make the rosettes, and one to decorate them and get them hung. 

This is a really terrific way to use up some scraps and those last remaining sheets of Autumn paper that you have hanging around from last year.  The great thing is that all the colors seem to work together, being in a seasonal palette. 

Just mind your fingers when using that hot melt glue, will ya?  That stuff SMARTS!

Hey, I'm entering this project in the Championing Award Medallions Challenge in the Moxie Fab World.          You should play, too!!

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. I do love your banner! I'm laughing about the hot glue (in a compassionate way). I'm not allowed to play with hot glue. I'm not allowed to play with the exacto knife either! There are good reasons for these rules.


  2. This is a wonderful banner, love it.

  3. It must be a sign, that you should make this one week from my pathetic attempt at the very same thing. I would not hang mine on a wall, not in a stall, not in a mall nor in on a doll...I would not Sam I am. Mine has found it's way into the cylindrical storage unit never to return. So see, just when I thought I could bury that skeleton, Richard goes and makes a freakin' gorgeous fall wall banner with them!
    Okay, I concede...I shall try again and thanks to you! However, you may be the only one who sees pictures of the outcome.
    Fantastic project and good luck with your challenge. I'm sure you'll WOW them!!
    Lisa xx

  4. Oh wow Richard!! That is so awesome!!

  5. These are so cool! I can't believe you made the banners from scraps--that's awesome! Yeah, I stay away from hot glue because of one too many burns (I use Scor-Tape), but you do what you've got to do for a great project, right?

  6. Hey Richard! Thanks for linking this up to the Championing Award Medallions Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  7. These are really fabulous, Richard!! Love the medallions banners. Awesome job!!

  8. Haven't seen you in awhile...
    You must be in the lab creating another masterpiece! :)

  9. Great Fall banner Richard! You did a wonderful job with the rosettes. I too hate hot glue guns! That stuff causes a burn which hurts for days! Speaking of days. . .you haven't posted in several. . .did the freak snowstorm effect you guys at all??? Hope you are doing OK. Best, Curt


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