Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mr Cardmaker has a Quicky for You

Actually, this was not so much of a quicky to make.  I fussed and fretted, and added and moved, and took a way and added back, stamped more stuff...

Anyway, I made this--

This is for my brother Chet's 18th birthday.  I started with this little Studio G stamp set, that had the sentiment, the guitar, the swirl and the fleur de lis.  Then I pulled out some background stamps, the crackle and the speckles, and SU's Inspired by Nature set, stamped the grass in red and brown, and turned it on its side.The DP is MME Fine and Dandy Boy, and the yellow card is SU.  I think the base is PTI, but don't hold me to that.The brads are from AC Moore, and the twine is some really old stuff from who knows where. 
I punched a hole with a regular old hand punch in the one end and wound the twine thru it.  Looks good, not so easy at envelope time....
Memento Rich Cocoa , and Distress Broken China and Festive Berries inks.
That skinny piece with the screw brad?  The final addition.  It's all about the negative space, people.
And, oh yeah, I pried the whole thing apart to get it under there.  You know I did.

Still in move mode, so don't know when I'll get a minute to get back here.

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Happy to see your smiling face today, Mr. Cardmaker! Isn't it funny how the cards that should take the least amount of time, end up taking the longest! Your brother will love this. It will mean a lot that you made it, and it's really a great piece of art, as well! Thanks for sharing! Oh...a mailing tip! I sometimes mail my cards inside out, or put a card front sized piece of CS over the fru-fru before sliding into the envie. The postal people smile more when I do that! Have a great day, and keep us posted on your move!

  2. Fantastic are fast becoming my go-to-guy for awesome masculine cards. Keep up the amazing work!

  3. It is funny how some cards take more time with all the extra details-but are so worth it in the end.
    I also use scrap chipboard to cover the fronts or a small piece of bubble wrap for the front of cards-hate when things poke a hole in the front of an envelope.
    Hope the move preparations are going well.

  4. I thought I lost you! Well actually I did..LOL. My dumb butt pushed a wrong button and deleted all my inspiration and DT links. How can one little button wreak so much havoc? It was obviously NOT the EASY button. However, I have relocated you and you are back on my blog...phew! I hate technology some days. Perhaps it was a weencie bit of operator error; however...
    ANYWAY, I'm so glad to be back on your blog and your card is a KNOCK OUT!!! Hope you are doing well with the move and adjustments therein.

    Lisa xx

  5. What a perfect card for an 18 year old! Honestly though, is there such a thing as easy? If so, please share what you know because I have yet to find that easy thing in paper crafting. I'm sure your brother will appreciate this card very much!


  6. Hi Richard, I love this card - it's wonderful! Thanks for sharing that your creative process is almost as messy as mine! LOL It gives me hope!


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