Thursday, October 18, 2012

'Tis the Season to Break into a Cold Sweat

It's COMING!!  CHRISTMAS is COMING!!!!  Are you ready?  Are your cards started?  Designed?  Have you even shopped for the STAMPS and paper and envelopes yet?  WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????

Oh, sorry.  Whew.    Just a minor freak out there.  But really, it IS time to at least let your brain start to wander into Christmas mode, just a little bit.  Many of my blog friends are full force already.  I can't.  Nope.  Can't do it.  I have five Autumn birthdays to create for, and I host Thanksgiving, so...

Ok, trying to make myself breathe after that last statement.  If I am not WELL on my way by Thanksgiving.....Head between my knees. Brown paper bag time. 

However!  I do have TWO, count them, TWO Christmas cards done!  I made them for sketch challenges that I did NOT enter, for some reason or other.

I made this--

This is a 4"x4" card on GinaK Designs Kraft card stock.  The papers are by My Mind's Eye, and the sentiment stamp is by Stampendous, the Holiday Home set.

To assemble this, I adhered the background piece (DCWV, embossed with a Sizzix embossing folder)and layered the biggest flag on top of that.  Then I used foam tape to pop the red and green flags off of the surface.

 I used Distress Inks to do the Sentiment oval, and I backed it with a scalloped oval made with glitter paper from DCWV's Linen stack.  They are put together with more foam tape, and even MORE foam tape is used to add it to the card front.

The snowflake is from a scrap of white glitter paper, punched with a Martha punch, and the button is one from my very old stash.  That went on with a mini Zots glue dot.

Then I made this--

This started with a piece of Beige card stock from the same DCWV Linen stack.  Same paper from MME is adhered to it, and the same glitter paper makes the scalloped oval.  I am sensing a THEME here, folks!!

The image is from Stampin'Up!, the SNow Much Fun set, and I used my Copics to color this cutie in.

As you can see, I am NO Copic expert!

The snowflakes here are PTI white shimmer paper, and the bling is from the dollar bin somewhere.  The ribbon is from Michael's.  The bow turned out like that because I didn't cut enough ribbon, but I kind of like it!

So, that's a start anyway.  Maybe these will inspire me (and even you) to get a move on!!

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. I LOVE these cards! That first one is seriously GORGEOUS!!!! LOVE IT! As for my cards, I make 'em as I go...count 'em up right before I need them and then decide who gets one! HAHAHA!

  2. Richard! You made me laugh with your Christmas panic...because you're not alone! I haven't even begun my Christmas cards! Yes, I'm running late via the cardmaking world, eh? ;) These cards you created have such vintage beauty... love them!

  3. Lol....keep yelling at me, Richard! I really need to get moving on 'all things holiday', but like you, can't rush through fall! Beautiful cards, sir, and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with your Copics coloring! Your snowperson looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Yes, allow yourself to enjoy Fall! It's one of my favorite times(and cardmaking times) of year and I hate how quickly it gets passed over with the stores putting up Xmas stuff! (These designs are fantastic, though! :)

  5. These are great cards Richard. I actually think about Christmas every month as I create at least 5 cards towards my Christmas card stash. As of right now I have 55 cards completed...all in sets of 5 or 6. A big variety of styles make it so that not everyone is getting the same card, and I don't get bored making them...LOL

    Looks like you are off to a great start!

  6. I can't believe this is my first time on your blog. LOVE your blog name.
    Mr. cardmaker, the two winter cards here look wonderful! Love the embossed/inked background on both. Love the banner layers on the first and that darling image on the second.

    Have a great weekend! Hugs and smiles (because we cardmaker love to hug)

  7. Two awesome doozies that will thrill and make giddy their recipients! Something about that embossing of snowflakes REALLY catches my eye. It's such a crisp design. Love them both!!!
    Have a great weekend and don't forget to BREATHE!!!

  8. I am in a HUGE panic, usually I'm done about now (really!) but for one reason or another, this year I haven't got a thing done - eeeek!!! Your cards are fabulous Richard :) x

  9. Yay! loving how easy it is to comment now :)

  10. Hee - this post made me giggle! And guess what? I DON'T send out homemade Christmas cards! I just do those cheap photo cards of my boys at WalMart. I have way too many on my list (hubby is a politician, you know) to even consider making all of those cards - I'd make nothing else all year long! Relieves some of the pressure, let me tell ya! :) Great cards, btw. Love the pop of red ink.

  11. These are fabulous card's fantastic card's and gorgeous colours and design. Caroline xxx


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