Monday, November 26, 2012

Mr Cardmaker is Feeling His Moxie Fab-ishness

Well, ain't I something?!  I am the Moxie Fabber of the Week over at Moxie Fab World!  I am very honored to be chosen.  Cath is the BEST!  Lots of fun happening at Moxie Fab World every week!
What a great thing to take me into the holiday season! 

I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving.  Mine was SO great, but I have to say it was everything BUT relaxing.  We had from 2-4 house guests all week, and THIRTEEN for dinner on Thursday, as well as more dinners tucked in here and there.  Wow, it was fun and really delicious, but I sure needed a NAP by Sunday afternoon!

This week, I wanted to share this card set that I made for my sister, Lisa.  This will probably be the last of the leaves that you'll get from me this season, unless they're Holly or something....

I made this--

Oh, did I mention there was a box?  There's a box.  To hold the cards.

Anyway, a while back I won ('cause my mom says I'm a winner!) a card class from My Little Craft Blog where I learned how do do these leaves with sponge daubers and clear embossing powder, as well as the gold and folder embossed pieces that you see on the bottoms of the cards.  My design is different overall, but I REALLY like this leaf technique, and will use it a lot!

I particularly like the box.  I will make many of those, I'm sure.  It is roomy and sturdy.  Because I won the class, I can't give you too much info on how to create all of these things, but I believe the class is still available for purchase, and it is really fun and informative.  I don't be stealin' from nobody's stuff, so don' ask!

Speaking of leaves, you may remember my rant about having to deal with my forest full of leaves in THIS post.  Well, the other day, Charlie and I returned home from a day out to find that our yard had been mowed and EVERY LEAF WAS GONE!  GONE, I tell you, GONE! 

Turns out, my neighbors Chris (across the street) and Eric (behind us) had been out with their tractors, and after they did their own leaves, got to chatting and decided to make a contest of "who-could-get-up-our-leaves-fastest."  Are these guys the best, or what???  Well, I baked them cookies, and, of course, made them cards. 

They look like this--

The sentiment is from 7Gypsies, and the leaf stamps are from Studio112.  I used the same leaf technique for the card stock leaves, as I'm sure you can tell.

Anyway--Chris has been back 4 times(!) to get more leaves, and I could not be more grateful.  He has gotten a thank you care package to supplement his cookies, btw...

SO, That's about it. I have some close-ups of this card set to show you...

Here they are--Please forgive the blur on some of them.

 I will have some Christmas cards to share with you next time!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-

Card set and box--card stock, GinaKDesigns; Inks, Stampin' Up!, Ink it Up, Memento; papers, Stampin Up!, Buttons, Joann's: Embossing powder, Ranger; twine, Ranger; leaf punches, EKSuccess and Fiskars.
Thank You cards--Card stock, papers, and inks all Stampin' Up!; sentiment, 7Gypsies; leaf stamps, Studio112; buttons, Joann's; twine, Ranger; leaf punches, EKSuccess and Fiskars.


  1. These are fabulous! Your sister will LOVE them!

  2. These are fabulous cards (and I'm in love with that box), Richard, and I'm sure that your sister will love them! Congratulations, Mr. Moxie Fabber of the Week! What a wonderful honor, and it's certainly deserved :D

  3. Congrats to you! Mr. Cardmaker is Moxie Fab!!! How cool is that? Wow, your box is fabulous, and your sister is going to love it! You are so creative with your leaves - that class was wonderful! How nice to have such great neighbors. I'm sure they've appreciated their cards, cookies, and other care pkg. items, but I KNOW that you appreciated getting those leaves zapped! Glad to hear that your Thanksgiving was nice. Ours was, as well. Very quiet and calm, though, compared to yours! Hugs...

  4. Congrats on being Moxie Fabber Richard! And I spy some Bo Bunny double dot cardstock! Love that stuff! Keep up the amazing creations!

  5. Popped over from Moxie Fab World and congratulate you, Mr. Moxie Fab! I'm so grateful to Cath for introducing us to you and your blog... Can't wait to spend some time checking it out. These leaves and your card gift box are lovely! Kudos to you for not giving away the content of that class. I'm sure they appreciate your integrity.

    I'll take this opportunity to invite you to check out another company and their Flickr group. Hero Arts has a very active group right here - chock full of inspiration, ideas, support and fun challenges. You'd be a fantastic addition to the group. I hope you'll stop by!

  6. WOW! This set is gorgeous!!! I love it! HUGE congrats on the Moxie Fab gig! That's awesome! So excited for you!

  7. Just came from Moxie Fab World to check out your blog. Gorgeous cards and congrats on being The Moxie Fabber of the week!!!

  8. Ok, you had me at snark-free! I love your cards. Your color blending is delicious.
    I am now a new follower :)
    Thanks for the inspiration!!

  9. Congratulations on being Moxie Fabulous today! Great cards, I especially love the box that the cards go in.

  10. Congrats on your Moxie Fabber spot! Woot woot! Your cards are gorgeous. I'm so glad I found your blog! :)

    Annie Rose

  11. Your cards and box are perfect!!! How wonderful that you have neighbors who are so caring, the best blessing of all! Hugs!

  12. These cards are beautiful! Congrats on being the Moxie Fabber of the week!

  13. Love your cards and have had a good giggle reading through some posts! Congrats on being the Moxie Fabber this week!

  14. First, congrats on your Moxie Fabber status this week! Looking at your blog, you certainly deserve it! :)
    Second, these leaf cards are gorgeous! The vibrant, sponged colors are fantastic! So glad Cath introduced you to us!

  15. Congrats for being chosen Moxie Fabber of the week! I must admit, I hardly ever read the bios, but was intrigued when I saw you were a man! It is so great to see a man featured in a female-dominated art form. I am glad to have found your blog, so far I've seen some beautiful work. I've added you to my Google Reader, and am off to explore your blog some more...

  16. Hi Richard, I really enjoyed your interview and congrats on being chosen as the Moxie Fabber of the Week. I've had a great time visiting and you did a great job on the leaves.

  17. Congrats for being the Moxie Fabber of the week! I have enjoyed looking at your cards. You are very good with leaves! :)

  18. love the coordinating box! congrats on your feature over on moxie fab!

  19. So glad I 'discovered' you though Cath (Moxie Fab Lady). You're very talented Richard ! Well done and your cards are beautiful ! :)

  20. These cards are wonderful, Richard. Love the boxed set you made for your sister too.
    Congrats and enjoy your Moxie Fab-ishness :)

  21. Love these wonderful cards and the box too! Found your blog via your wonderful Moxie Fab post. Lovely to meet you! I am fairly new to Moxie Fab and am determined to try a Tuesday Trigger this week!

  22. Richard, these cards are beautiful! So happy to have found your blog via the Moxie Fab site! Congrats on the honor! I have taken a nice little stroll through your blog and I am super-impresssed! I especially love the one with the vellum clouds that you had to chastise your DP over! :) Trust me -- I have soooo been there -- only I usually have no one but myself to blame! Anyway, happy to be a new follower! :)

  23. Hi Moxiefabber! Have been scrolling thru your posts & just wanted to say-I like your style! Like your humor too! We've had loads of wind here that blew most of our 1000's of leaves up the street! LOL Not that I have to get them up-that's left to my DH. But I'm happy for him.

    Nice to meet you.

  24. Hi, Richard! I just found your blog through Moxie and am so excited. We are practically neighbors!! I live in Jackson...just a hop, skip and couple jumps away. I signed up to follow your blog and can't wait to see what you share with us next. I, too, am an avid cardmaker and love to see and share new techniques and ideas. Happy Crafting! Maybe we will run into each other sometime!

  25. Well, my goodness, Mr. Cardmaker! It seems you are due a slew of congrats for all these fun accomplishments - Moxie Fabber of the Week (absolutely), surviving Thanksgiving (13!), card class winner (yippee!), awesome card & box set (me likey), and last but not least, free leaf removal (Hallelujah)! Congrats!!!

  26. Hello there Richard, what a joy to find you on the Moxie Fab World.

    And what a fabulous set of cards (and just so you know, you can never have enough leaves... on a card that is!). I would keep them coming. ha. Just a stunning effect and the whole set in a box is very clever.

    Congrats on being moxie fab... so well deserved.

  27. Oh my Mr. Cardmaker - I've been waiting for you for YEARS! Always looking for a good man artist blog to follow; looking for that special slant on things. Your blog posts are so refreshing, so much fun; your views on life uplifting. Your art is amazing - no wishy washy pastels for you. You put together crazy wild things that go together after you're done with them. You're happy and cheerful and don't use your blog to complain, except to make light of your mishaps. Am I ever happy Cath found you and shared you - you're mine now : ) Looking forward to reading all your past blogs and your future ones too!

  28. Absolutely blown away by this beautiful box of cards! Love your use of the negative die cut and bold colors. Truly beautiful! Saw you this morning on Moxie Fab. Congratulations! I'm truly inspired and happy to meet you!
    Laura Pryor - Lil' Inker Designs

  29. Your sister is gonna LOVE this card set! So very lovely. I'm new to your blog (coming from Moxie Fab) and am now a follower. So very nice to meet you! Stop by my blog sometime and give me a shout out!

  30. Such fun cards love the leaves, positive and negative so cleaver!Congrats on being Moxie Fab Cath know how to pick em!

  31. oh my moxie fab! Congrats on your spotlight buddy! Hope all is well, and am glad to see you! ps, great card set! love the colors!!

  32. Coming from Moxie, Congrats, These cards are just lovely, great gift.
    Its great to see gentleman crafting...

  33. Hello, I found your blog through Moxie Fab, super inspiring stuff here! I am a new follower!

  34. So, Mr. Cardmaker, I love autumn and I just love your design on these cards! Tres excited to have found your blog via your moxie fab-ness, will be around.

  35. I totally enjoyed reading about you on MoxiFab. These interviews are a great way to get better acquainted. Congratulations on the spotlight. Thanks for sharing such wonderful autumn cards today!

  36. What an absolutely GORgeous set of cards..and I do LOVE that box!!! I promise I won't ask for directions on making it! LOL So so sooo happy for you Mr. Moxie Fabber!!! You totally deserve the are one in a million!!! I know I'm always inspired by your designs and your sharing part of you with us!! It's no surprise your neighbors jumped to help inspire that in others! I can't wait to see Christmas designs from you!! But you don't have to stop the autumn leaves....or is that just me who stamps out of season?? LOL

  37. Visiting from the Moxie Fab blog. Hi!! How wonderful to find your blog. You do beautiful work. Love those leaves! And the (secret) box! Big congrats on the shout out from Cath.

  38. Congrats on your Moxie Fabber spot! I am a new follower of you!! I haven't been making cards for very long and the more I look around at different blogs, the more I learn and the longer my want list gets! Your projects are absolutely beautiful!!

  39. Richard, congratulations on being the Moxie Fabber of the Week! I am new to your blog, and love those leafy cards you made for your sister (and the cool box they go in). I'm signing on to be your newest follower!

  40. Congratulations on being chosen as a Moxie Fabber! You've got a great blog filled with wonderful creations! So nice to 'meet' you.

  41. I gotta say Richard, that you are definitely the epitome of Moxie Fab-U-Lousness! Keep it up...

  42. Congrats on your Moxie Fab recognition! Great project, loving your colorful and bold card designs!

  43. HUGE Congrats on your Moxie FAB Richard :)

  44. Richard I had not have the pleasure of knowing about you, but I loved your cards and interview at Moxie Fab, please feel welcome in craftyland, you are a great member to it, whenever you need a blogger crafty and cooking friend I am here ( in Mexico) for you, I would love it if you visit me at Have a great week!

  45. I have not had the pleasure of meeting you on the blogs but congratulations on your Moxie Fab win. I also just joined your blog. Your cards are awesome.

    Kat (a GinaK Designs follower and customer)

  46. Congratulations!!! These are sensational Richard. The use of the negative space is completely striking and such a well deserved win. :) You've done amazing here!
    Lisa xx

  47. Gorgeous cards. I love the polka dots! I saw you on the Moxie Fab blog and was amazed!

  48. First of all---Congrats on your Moxie Fab shout out. I loved learning more about you.
    Second, send those neighbors over here----as I have a similar "leaf problem" :)
    Third--I love your gorgeous note set- What a gift! You are truly talented! Congrats again!

  49. Love the card set Richard! You know sets are something I love to make. And wow, what great neighbors you have. What a nice thing to do for you and for you to do for them. Great stuff! Best, Curt

  50. Congratulations on being featured on the Moxie Fab blog last week! How fun is that! LOVE the card set. They are just gorgeous!
    Hugs and smiles

  51. Good Lord I missed a post!
    I'm happy about the Moxie Fabishness!
    Now I'd better go read up and see what I'm missing over there!
    Lovely cards, and I'm glad you got help with your 'little' (ahem) leaf problem!


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