Monday, January 14, 2013

Mr Cardmaker is Following Orders

Today's card is actually something I'm making MONEY on!!  My MIL asked me to make her a set of thank you cards, and so I came up with twelve cards for her.  I used some Stampin' Up DSP that I had around for a while, and used it for my jumping off point.  

I made twelve of these--

Now, this was originally supposed to be something simple.  Yeah.  I guess you could call them that.  I should get a sketchbook or something, I think.  Proportion seems to be my achilles' heel.  I just kept looking at all that RED (which is a color I like, mind you) and I guess I freaked out and went a bit haywire with doo-dads.
Then the white at the top bugged me.  A hand drawn line worked there.  Then I had to have one at the bottom.

Don't you like that open font on the sentiment?  That's from GinaK Designs, Theresa Momber's Follow Your Dreams set.  Me likey.

Anyway, they FINALLY got to looking okay.  Some days, it hardly seems worth it all....
Except for the CA$H part.  MIL Dearest insists on paying me (as do I, btw).  What would you charge for a dozen of these??

Wait 'til I show you my next card, and the disaster that almost happened there.  If nothing else, I AM learning how to save a card from the trash bin.

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Eeek...knowing what to charge is not my forte! I have the worst time with that. I'd say whatever the cost it should include undying gratitude for a superior job well done and of course throw in the MIL discount ;) You've certainly scored SIL brownie points here. The red is center stage perfect but the subdued areas of embellishment are divine. The simple lines really added so much, oddly enough, and the remaining accoutrement tie the colors and sentiment together beautifully. 12 of these?? WOW....very nicely crafted. Definitely not one for the recycling bin.

  2. This is beautiful! When I sold cards recently, I did them at $4 a piece or 6 for $20. So......

  3. It's gorgeous!
    12 you say!?
    I'm with Jingle..........and with Lisa for the MIL discount!

  4. Wow Richard!!!! That is a stunning design!!! And yes...I love that font too!!! Hmmm....12 of them, pricing?? That's a bit tough....I usually say 4-5 per card because of the time/materials/hand-making. But as a set that doesn't another formula I got from those who sell hand made items is 3-4x your cost. if I can ever keep track of things I use! Ha! Sorry I'm not more help in that! Oh and I will be looking to see how you rescue cards...cuz I just throw them into the trash! LOL

  5. I get $3 each or 4 for $10. I saw some for sale at the ARtisan Center the other day-$5 each & they were plain. I couldn't believe it.
    I personally love alot of doodads. I love your card.

    Since it's for MIL-minimum $20. Max $25. That's just my opinion.

  6. I'm curious if you decided on a price. I'm of the opinion that you need to charge for each item you use and then add the time it takes to make into the price. It's so hard to decide what to charge because until you make cards yourself, you're not really aware of the time it takes to plan, let alone create the masterpiece. Let me know if you come up with a formula...

    Beautiful card, as usual!!


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