Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mr Cardmaker Loves Leftovers

Sometimes, while crafting away, I will make one or two too many elements that don't end up on my projects.  They usually just get tossed into a dark corner somewhere, with scant hope of being used. 
However, I ran across a few of these things the other day, and I decided to put them to work.

I made this--

I found the little kraft happy birthday medallion in my scrap box while looking for something else, and I decided it was time to put him to work.  Actually, the envelope was hanging around, the blue scalloped piece and that dotted piece were left over from that disaster project I showed you HERE (not that THAT needs revisiting, really). 

In fact, I thin the only new things were the star and the heart.  Oh, and I did the blue "birthday" circle too.  Add it all to a card base with some twine and a button, and viola! a card. 

I have a ziplock bag with more "stuff" inside it.  I think I should drag it out and do some more of this.

Do you have little fun things hanging around your craft table?  Maybe they really go together, after all!

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. This is super cute! I love all the fun colors on the strong black background!

  2. I have a bin on my desk with all of my card leftovers - a scrap of this a scrap of that....and hidden cards waiting to be made! I usually use them when I need a card in a hurry but many times pieces end up on various cards as I come to need them.
    I absolutely love the birthday card you made! The embossing, the pops of color against the black and the big celebrate and center circles! So striking!!!
    And fantastic!

  3. You always inspire me to try something new... imagine... using up my scraps? Your card turned out SO cute, and I do love that you utilized things you already had! Will look forward to seeing more of these :) Happy Valentine's Day, Mr. Cardmaker!

  4. Super cute for leftovers. Geez, Richard, does your creativity ever stop. LOL I love this card. My designed cards don't even get close to looking this cool. Thanks for sharing. I just had to PIN this one.

  5. Love your card,Love your colorful paper,Happy Valentine...

  6. Wow, what a fabulous card - hard to believe the elements weren't all purpose made for it!

  7. Yay for not throwing things away;) So glad to see your leftovers come together is such a cute card! I'm in love with that teeny envelope!

  8. That is one happy card!
    Not sure how I missed this post......
    anyhoo, I'm pretty sure my scraps aren't that wonderful!


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