Monday, March 25, 2013

Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens

So, I am down to the wire to enter the Paper Crafts Connection's March Gallery Challenge , so I am whipping together this posting.  This time it was a country-themed challenge.  My country tends to be more French-based.  My apologies to my US Country fans.

My photos are not so great this time, since I used my phone to take them, and did them on an open watercolor paper pad.  Whew, talk about making do!

I made this--

Ok, this is from a TPC Studio set I got at JoAnn's for $3.00.  Yup. I also used eggs from a GinaK Designs set, and a single "merci" stamp from Avery Elle (which came free with my order, btw.  Mr. Cardmaker is not called CHEAP ,uh, FRUGAL for nothing!)

I also made this--

On this one, I was playing around with layering some stamps.  I thought the layered borders, ending up in the GRASS was really kind of funny, but as you know, I am weird that way.

When I was doing my stamping, I did it all, and then hit the whole panel with a water sprayer, which gave me that nice spotty effect.  I kinda dig it.

So, not to count my chicks before they hatch, but I am hoping these get me some shopping "scratch!"

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Great cards, Sir Richard! You might just be the very first male Gallery Challenge winner - how cool would that be! Don't forget me when you are famous :)

  2. Richard, these cards are gorgeous! Especially that 1st card is very stunning.

  3. These are awesome! That rooster is strutting his stuff! Great buy on him by the way!

  4. These are fabulous!!! I was going to do a quick one for the challenge last night, but then The Hubbums had dinner ready and I didn't get back into the craft room. Next time!

  5. Great cards!
    I really like the colors, and the chickens!

  6. Especially love the aura around the rooster in the second picture. Nicely done, Richard.

  7. Hello Richard! Thx for your encouraging comments on my post today - the one with the duck and mix of grid and checked paper! Thought I'd come and have a browse and I think you've got a brilliant style! These two cards are gorgeous! My fave has to be the first as I love the use of how you put all the elements together!

  8. Oh those are really cool Richard!!! I love the French Country design take on them! And the "merci" cute is that?!!! Your cards should totally win!!

  9. WOW!Great cards,Both are very pretty,Love chickens...

  10. I am digging your French Country Richard! Both of these are wonderful - and I especially like the grass paper at the edge - it made me smile really big!!!! You may be Frugal my friend but you are FF - Frugal Fantastic!

  11. Great French country look! I have looked at this post before but stopped back during a flip thru my reader because the post title is just so fantastic. :) thanks for the grin!

  12. "Down to the wire"...chicken wire...I get it!!! Two masterfully designed cards by you again and I wish you the best of luck on the challenge. You know I used to really love rustic country (still do) but the French country is REALLY growing on me. I could see this style in my kitchen easily!
    Terrific job my friend.
    Lisa x

  13. I love your French Provence style and wouldn't know you did it all on a budget if you didn't say so - looks rich and elegant to me. The shading on the second is amazing!

  14. Both cards are awesome!! I love the clean and crisp look of the first card! The distressing on the 2nd is superb! You did a great job!


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