Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Many Layers that Are Mr Cardmaker

Ok, so there's two.  At least, in this instance.

So, I got this urge to make a project or two with some vellum.  I find vellum to be a tricky substance.  It warps if you look at it funny, and woe be unto you if you try to emboss it! 
Just stamp it, leave to dry (a looong time, just to be sure) and hope for the best. 

Anyway, I made these things--

One is note sized because I SMEARED it.  As one does. 

Anyway, see this lovely scene?  Flowers and leaves, and the sun, and a butterfly even.  Yeah, right, whatever.
But WAIT!  There's more to this than meets the eye!

Watch what happens when you lift the vellum--

Now go back and look at it the other way.  I'll wait here.  Go on....

Pretty cool, right?  I need to practice my sun's rays technique, I think, but isn't it kinda fun??
Like a "two-fer".  Sorta.

I thought this was fun.  I think if I go here again, I will try to avoid a huge flower over my sun and sentiment, but all in all, I kind of like this.

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. I could look at these all day, so you might be waiting a good long while! Beautifully done, dear friend! Your colors are gorgeous, and make me yearn for spring (as our forecast predicts several inches of snow tomorrow...bah)! Bring on that sunshine! Thanks for sharing - hope you are well :)

  2. These are GORGEOUS, Richard! I can't imagine how beautiful they are in person. You've a real talent for this!

  3. WOW!!!!Very pretty,Love your technique,colors are great,spring time...

  4. Definitely I like it!! It's a super, how did you say, 'two-fer' creation. You have the patience of a saint as I can't wait that long for ink on velum to dry or for crackle or paint or for water to boil or...well, you get the idea.
    Fantastic card for Spring and just what I needed on this first day of Spring with snow in the forecast!
    Keeping posting that sunshine my friend. I'll be grateful for the vicarious seasonal change.
    Lisa :)

  5. Spring in a card...LOVE these and this wonderful technique! Gorgeous cards!

  6. Those are great!
    Might have to try this!
    I too, love vellum, even just the word, and am not happy that it's so unfriendly!

  7. Great job, Richard. Before you mentioned that you trimmed one down because of a smear, I was thinking how brilliant to create two cards, the same but with different orientation! You have inspired me to follow suit (not so much with the smearing - but with the two orientations).

    Beautiful spring colors and a wonderful collection of great looking florals.

  8. You had me at vellum, my dear! Both cards are just the cheeriest things! And I love that the little card was a "make it work" moment for you! Love that!

  9. Leave it to me to say that you need to post more often! The commentary is as top notch as the card making! So bring it on!!!!

  10. I actually like the big flower over the sun. Kinda provides for the surprise when you lift the vellum. But I'm with you, vellum and ink are not a great combination to work with. The only ink I have found to be good on vellum is Staz-on. And even that has smeared. You are one brave man to play with such materials! LOL Best, Curt

  11. How beautiful and different and light and springy and all my favorite colors - yum! Did you stamp the vellum on the "outside" or the "inside"? Such talent!


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