Friday, May 3, 2013

Mr Cardmaker Walks the Walk (Since He's ALREADY Talked the Talk)

Well, after my tirade (tirade, rant, whatever...) last Friday about using bright, saturated colors on masculine cards, I decided to put my money where my (BIG) mouth was, and come up with some cards that are LOADED with color. 
These are cards that are suitable for anyone, really, but they're ones that I am planning to use for guys' birthdays. You will notice, not a HINT of dusty blue (uck! Pheew!) in the bunch!

I made this--

Clean, simple, bold, bright, active. 
Then there's this--

Same idea. Sharp, crisp, colorful, with movement.  Oh yeah, I did that flag edge with a scalloped square die, turned on the diagonal.  Fun, right?  And that's SKY blue in there, not dusty blue, btw...
Look at this one--
Even with the bling, I think this is fine for a man.  Yes, I do.  (Uh, Baja Breeze, thank you...)
Look at THIS one--
(Is anybody thinking of Scarlett Johanson doing this "marble columns" skit from SNL, like I am?)
Ohmygawd, who is THIS card for, the POPE?! (uh, see afore mentioned video clip....)
Nope, this is for my Uncle Rich's 60th.  Looks masculine to me! (Yet still workable for anyone!)
So, you see?  I CAN do more than just run my mouth.  Fooled you, didn't I?  (Hey, I fooled myself...)
Oh yeah, and a decidedly more feminine one for you--
Look at THIS one--
And while the shapes and movement are similar to the other cards, clearly the colors take it in a more feminine direction, especially when you come to the abundance of pink !
Don't be afraid of COLOR COLOR COLOR when you are doing cards for men!   (We like colors, really!!)
Happy Weekend!  I have some exciting news to share, but I am under orders to keep it on the QT for now.  Stay tuned!
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Okay, I will be the brave 1st commenter here! My favorite is #3! However, that doesn't mean I don't like the others! All of your cards are great, Richard - you are so clever! Thanks for sharing, and hope you can share that good news soon! Hugs...

  2. I'm lovin' #4! Is that camera a stamp? I need it. Very fun and cheerful cards.

  3. Wow are you on a roll! And every one of them is great! I particularly like the first one since the arrows suggest street signs in the cityscape. What a guy!

  4. I made a card with you in mind - no blue what-so-ever on my 'man' card! :)

  5. You've done a great job on them all!
    Guess I'll be stepping my 'guy' cards up a nothc, although I'm not sure I've used Dusty Blue!

  6. Beautiful cards!Love them all,Very pretty,sorry I'm late commenting was not in,Have a good one!!!

  7. Ohhh very cool and bright! I do love bright colors! Masculine cards are a challenge for I LOVE seeing your creations and peeking a bit into the "guy's mind" for design ideas!! ;) Oh and KNOW I gotta love the pink!! LOL News? Wait? What? We don't wanna wait!!!


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