Monday, July 15, 2013

Warm and Fuzzy with the Oozak Challenge Blog!

Back again with the July 15 Oozak Challenge Blog, where we are doing "Anything goes with TEXTURE!"
I made this--
I have had Christmas cards on my mind lately, so I dove in with a wonderful stamp from Stampendous, and grabbed my Copics for these sweet snowmen.
I started with some Baja Breeze cardstock and layered some snowflake paper from My Mind's Eye that I passed through a snowflake embossing folder.  To that, I added a layer of green cardstock, embossed with a different embossing folder from Sizzix.  Then I got to work on my snowmen.
I love coloring white things with Copics.  I know that sounds weird, but the presence of color on a white image actually makes the white look so much better, and gives all kinds of depth.  My favorite thing though, was those cute little carrot noses.  I had to highlight them even more by applying some Glossy Accents.  Oh, and a tiny little snowflake, too!  
Now, I am no great shakes with blending Copics, but I think this turned out pretty well.  I had fun, at any rate! (Run over to Oozak and see the amazingly discounted prices on Copics, and SO many other things!) 
The scarf is paper pieced and popped up on foam adhesive, as is the fur part of their hats.  Those have a great fluffy coating of Fun Flock, too, and I am MAD about that part!
I did the sentiment on vellum with black embossing powder.  I used a dimensional Glue Dot, cut into pieces, to attach it, and I realized after I took the photo that you could really see one of the pieces.  I simply moved it behind the word "Warm", and it pretty much vanished!  Cool!
Add some vellum and rhinestone snowflakes, and you're done! 
So, there's TWO Christmas cards so far (See #1 HERE).  Sixty something (or more) to go...Don't worry, they'll get simpler as we get closer to mail date.  I'm not THAT much of a masochist!
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Oh I LOVE this!! Those snowmen are adorable. Great colouring and love the way you layered the snowflakes. Fantastic card! :-)

  2. Those shiny little noses made me smile! What a fun Christmas card! Why, oh why, don't I remember to get out vellum now and then? Your addition of vellum is so genius :) Can't believe that you have two already finished. Overahciever! Hope you are well!

  3. Never met a snowman I didn't love, and this pair are no exception!
    Love all your details, the fun flock the snow flakes the embossing, OH MY!
    Really fun holiday card. Love it.


  4. I love these huggin' snowmen-the first stamps in my big collection where snowmen! That embossing folder is really striking as well!

  5. I love these little snowmen! There is so much texture and dimension on this card, it is awesome!! Amazing job!


  6. Great card!
    Those snowmen are so cute, and you've done such a nice job of them!
    If you make 2-3 Christmas cards a week, you'll be in great shape by December!

  7. Yup, your snowmen are just right with the copic details! Nice work!!

  8. Love it, love it, love it! Taking in and appreciating all those layers and little special things - it's like reading a very good book! I love your mind honeybun - keep up the great work!

  9. Caaaaauuuuute!!! OMG I ADORE snowmen....and snowflakes....and winter!!! LOL Seriously Richard....these two are freakin' cute!!! I love your coloring and the little snowflake on the carrot nose...precious!! And yes...I got almost my entire Copic collection (and I have them all!) thru Oozak!!

  10. WOW!This is SO VERY CUTE!!!Love your card,Awesome snowmen!!!Great coloring,Have a good day!!!

  11. So sweet, and so much depth in your scene! Can't wait for your house reveal too!

  12. The tiny snowflake on the end of his carrot nose just takes this card over the top! I LOVE it! Great image and coloring! And the embossing is gorgeous as the background!
    :) Jill

  13. Hi Richard,
    I love your card as well! thanks for leaving me such a great comments on my blog (tampastamper12). Love to do Oozak images as well! Thanks again and look forward to talking to you.


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