Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mr Cardmaker is Going to Need Some More Coffee...

Well, I have a really large stack of cards to photograph.  For some reason, this is a chore for me.  I think because my light box is in the basement, and the computer is in the office, the cards are in the craft space....I am in need of a better system.  Did I mention I live with a Lean Six Sigma systems expert?  I have no excuse, really.

HOWEVER!  Our niece Jessie just got a job offer at a Government agency, and we are over the moon about it!  She HAD to get a card, right?  So, I ran to my workspace, got going, and worked.  And worked.  And worked.  And finally, I came up with a card.  Unfortunately, it looked sort of...well, WORKED.  Tortured, actually.  Over-designed (thank you, Project Runway, for that term), too much stuff in all the wrong places.

Maybe I'll save it for a Friday Fix card, one day. 

Anyway, I started over, and went in the directly other direction.  Simple, simple, simple.

I used to be so afraid of CAS cards.  Now I live for them.

I made Jessie this--

I LOVE this stamp set from CAS-ual Fridays.  AND, I love embossing it in gold. 
So, this is as simple as three panels of paper, one popped up and corner-rounded, and some sequins, and there it is!  (it DID take me about 10 minutes to pick the right sequins, btw...)
It's all about putting the right stuff in the right spot, folks!  Sometimes it takes hours to do it, however...
She loved it.  That makes me smile.
Meanwhile, time to get my butt down to the light box, then back up to the computer; with a detour into the craft space first to GET the cards...
I need coffee.
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Squeal is perfect!!! It honestly couldn't be more fitting for the occasion! CAS wins hands down.
    Can't wait for you to get your little system in order and gosh, it would be such a shame if a few pics of your craft room fell in the mix ;)

  2. Well, sometimes less is more, and it's all about them liking it!
    It's great!

  3. simple simple simple is good good good! :) great card- LOVE the gold embossing, and congrats on her new job! and I have to agree, photographing can be a chore some days...sigh.

  4. YEAH! Waaay cool!!! I hear ya....I swear I hear Tim Gunn in my head when I get crazy about a card design!! LOL I love this card...and your niece will too!! I gotta tell Michele to come check this out with her "squeal" stamp!! She'll love it!!

  5. I DO love it!!! Ohmygawsh, this is sooo awesome! Congrats to your niece and thanks for making my stamps look completely amazeballs! :D

  6. Mr. Cardmaker! (I LOVE that!!!) Thanks for visiting my blog on the Tombow hop!!! This card will be perfect for your niece! :)

  7. Perfection, my friend! Your niece will be so tickled that you made it just for her. Hope you get things all orderly, so you can post all of those pics! And I agree with Lisa...would love to see your craft room :-)

  8. It's great! I love the "squeal!" Sentiment - that one works a lot! Congrats for her success! I laughed thinking of you having things in three places (no, not very lean!) and that begged the question . . . Does your kitchen have doors on the cabinets?

  9. Just think of all the exercise you're getting ;). Love the card, great composition.

  10. Love it! Would also like to see the one that didn't make the cut : )

  11. Yay! For her position and for this wonderful card! Love the sentiment and think Michele's set is so fun! (Congrats to Michele too!). :).
    As for photographing cards I have tried it all and still find early morning indirect daylight against a white backdrop gives me the best natural colored photos without having to adjust them much. Plus I don't like to set up the light box and have no room to keep it out! :)

  12. Perfect card for the occasion! Glad you gave in to your CAS side;) Congrats to your niece!

  13. Very Pretty,Congrats to your niece,know she will love it!!!Have a good evening!!!

  14. Congrats to your Niece! And what a great card for her achievement. I know what you mean about the various places you have to go in the house to get things done. In our last house, my studio was upstairs and my computer was downstairs as well as all the windows for light. So it was something I dreaded when it came to taking pics. It was a production! Hope you are all well! Best, Curt

  15. What a great way to express,your excitement for your niece! I like the sentiment.

    Hey, your carding/blogging set up sounds much like my own, til I recently moved the light tent to the attic, where my studio is. Had to clear some space, but managed to do it. Still, the computer is downstairs, and that ain't gonna change. ;)

    Thanks for the love today!

  16. Squeal! I love the card! Your niece will too. :). It's pretty fabulous.

  17. LOVE it!!!!! But now I'm wondering what the otehr card looks like lol!! Do show :-)


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