Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Get Well Wishes for a Lovely Lady

Our wonderful friend, Betty Ann, is eighty-something, and manages to live alone with her cat, and just a bit of help that comes in a few times a week.  Well, she had a fall in her tub, or into her tub...we are not too sure.  At any rate, she broke her collar bone, no fun at any age, so she has herself a bit of an uphill battle ahead.

Her assistant let us know what is going on, and mentioned that the only thing we could really do to help is to send her one of my cards.  Isn't that just the sweetest thing, ever?  Well, I wanted to get one out to her right away, and I had nothing on hand.

To the craft room, Robin!

Boy, the moment you need a card is NOT the moment for the mojo to vanish.

I grabbed some inks and a stamp set from my collection and got down to it.

I came up with this--

So, I began with stamping a background, using 4 colors of ink, and stamping without reinking as I worked my way across the card.  The boldest ink was toward the middle, and then got lighter in both directions.

Once that was done, I used sponges too ink up the edges of the cardstock, one color for each side.  When that was ready, I attached it to the front of a cardbase that matched one of the inks.  The sentiment was done in the darkest color--here, an olive green.

I stamped and punched out more of the same flower in the same colors and inked the edges.  I pulled out my glitter collection to do the centers, because I really love my shiny surfaces. These were adhered with some foam tape, but looked lonely without some foliage, so I went back and added some die cut leaves.  The leaves were a bit dull on their own so I took my white gel pen and gave them a doodled look.

In my continuing search to make everything more shiny, I added rhinestones in the colors of everything else, and I called it done!

I barely remembered to get a photo before getting this thing into the mail, but it got off safely, and I hope it's now in a spot where Betty Ann can get a good look at it in some sunshine. The glitter looks best then, of course!

We are hoping Betty Ann is much better in a big hurry, and that her feet stay securely underneath her in the future. I'm sure all good energies sent her way would be very appreciated, as well!

Thank so much for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Gorgeous card, Richard! I love the colours and the way you layered the flowers in the background and on foam tape. The embellishments finish this card so nicely!

  2. What a perfect card for Betty Ann! The colors drew me in right away! Beautiful job on this card!

  3. I'm sure this will cheer up Betty Ann--it's gorgeous! She'll feel like she received a bouquet of flowers with all the yummy layering!

  4. This will perk her up in a hurry!
    You didn't tell us what stamps and punch that is!?
    Pretty sure if the punch is SU, I have it!
    Might need the stamp!

  5. It's such a cheerful card - it's bound to make her smile! You are such a dear!

  6. What a beautiful card for Betty Ann! She will love it and I'm sure it will cheer her up for a speedy recovery!

  7. Beautiful card, and so perfect for a sweet lady. Please give Betty Ann our well wishes!

  8. It's a true shame that Betty Ann had to break her collar bone to get this "gawgeous" card from you Richard, but all the same, her attendant was 100% correct. It's a beautiful and soothing card filled with well wishes, love and encouragement; which is perfect for her. What a fantastic outcome for lack of mojo. Of course, you could decorate a scrambled egg and have it look like a masterpiece. Positive thoughts and well wishes to your friend Betty Ann. :)

  9. lovely colors on your card for Betty Ann...you did a great color combination on this card..hope she will getting better and better..pray from me in Germany...

  10. Nice job, Robin : ) It's like a spring/summer garden in full bloom basking in sparkly sunshine. Heal quickly Betty Ann!

  11. Great card, Richard! I love the colors. What type of inks and stamp pads do you use? The hues are so saturated and come out beautifully.

  12. What an awesome card Richard! The colors are beautiful. I love everything about it. I hope Betty Ann is recovering nicely bless her heart. Best, Curt


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