Friday, October 11, 2013

Papertrey Ink Make it Monday Challenge and ABNH Shape it Up Challenge

       ***This is my second post today.  Scroll down to see my paper-laden Get Well card.***

Well, I am trying to get into some more contests these days.  Seems you get a bit of exposure that way!  (BTW, you ARE all telling your friends and neighbors about me, RIGHT?)

I made this--

I made this card, (Which is actually on the small side--Probably best used as an enclosure) for Papertrey Ink's Make it Monday challenge, which this week is to use a layered embossed technique.
I also wanted to enter A Blog Named Hero's Shape it Up challenge, and I did it as a shaped card.
I had also planned to enter Case this Sketch's challenge, and Simon Says Stamp's  Dotty challenge, but I was too late on the trigger for those.  Wop, wop....
I started by making my base with a Spellbinders Labels Four die, the largest one, on white card stock, and then made another die cut to be the card front. This way, the fold wouldn't show at all.
I stamped the background with my dot background stamp (my only non-PTI stamp used here, btw) and then stamped over it with the balloons and sentiment for PTI's Birthday Basics set.  The balloons were stamped in versamark, which I then embossed with clear powder so the background would show through.  I then used three purple inks to highlight the embossing, which, of course, left the background of the balloons the dots on white. 
I added some of the dots from Birthday Basics , and hand drew the strings of the balloons on with my white gel pen.  Add a few sequins, and this pup is ready to sign and mail!
I really enjoyed doing both (all) of these challenges, and it was really fun finding a way to combine some!
Wish me luck!
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. How fun you used a shaped card. You really popped those balloons with the purple! Love the strings too!

  2. Pretty purple creation! Wow...two posts today? I haven't done two in a week lately! Good luck on your challenges :-)

  3. Wow - labor intensive but so worth it! Love the strings - every time I try to draw one it's a disaster : )

  4. Great card Mister! I love love love that background stamp and the way you draw the strings yourself!

  5. I personally am telling EVERYONE about you!
    You have to make me LOL, then I'm hooked!
    This is interesting!
    Lots of techniques!

  6. Awesome, Richard! Love your circle theme you have going on here ... the open dots, the sequins, the balloons ... they all go so well together : )

  7. Great 'shape' card, Richard. Love your bright bold color combo and those fun balloons.
    PS: sequins are always a perfect addition in my book ;-)

  8. Fabulous tag Richard, I love the inking and the pretty sequins.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  9. I really like how this turned out. The color scheme is great. I never think about making shaped cards but this one is a great inspiration. Good luck in the challenges! Best, Curt


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