Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mr Cardmaker is Spreading Around the The Birthday Goods; Packaging and All

It seems like forever ago that I was here with you.  I hope your Thanksgiving was amazing.  We spend the early part of the day at Ford Field in Detroit, watching the Lions get a well earned victory over the Packers. 
We were treated to a luxury suite by Charlie's brother and sister-in-law, and we had turkey and pumpkin pie to go with our vat o' wings and hotdogs! 
Except for the 2+ hours it took to do the 40 minute drive (Yes, you read that correctly), with accompanying scream fest, we had a really fun time.  I did almost ditch the car and get a taxi home, but all was finally okay.
oh, and I may or may not have been videoed with a turkey hat on my head, acting like a fool during the game. With any luck, you'll never know for sure.

Later in the day, we all gathered at the brother's house to join in their Hanukkah celebration.   I am not Jewish, but it is such a lovely candle ceremony, and I can chow down on some latkes and brisket like the best of them!  Yum, YUM!

Anyway, back in late October and early November, my sister and Charlie's two sisters celebrated their birthdays.  I decided that they each needed a card set, so I got to work.

For my sister and one of Charlie's, I made these--

Sweet little packages!
I enjoyed making these every bit as much as I did making any card, ever!  They're big ol' envelopes, really, and they are super sturdy and oh-so-cute!

And inside--

I can't TELL you how much I love this Swallowtail stamp from Stampin' Up.  I stamped these cards in SU Soft Suede ink, and colored some areas with white and yellow colored pencils.  Then for even MORE fun!

I had been hoarding these bits and bobs for a good while now--
They're from the Fact and Fiction collection by Basic Grey.  One is chipboard pieces, and the other is all kinds of fun paper and vellum bits.  I kept like with like as I made the two sets, and I think they are just so fun!

Some close-ups--

 (Seems I missed taking close-ups of the chipboard ones...oh, well.)

They were VERY well received, and I got the required oohs and ahs about the packaging, too!

Then, for Charlie's other sister, I made this--(Still with me?  I know we are REALLY photo heavy here...)

Another cute package.  I am kinda digging the stenciled "4" on the tag.  Less goo-gahs than on the others, because the paper is so awesome.

That one held these--

Weird pic, thanks to my too small light box.  Cool shadows, though....
Maybe this is better--

This started with 2 gorgeous pieces of 12x12 paper.  I must really love this girl, because I hated parting with this ombre dot paper AND these cards.

They are SO wicked easy, and yet such a statement--

This stamp is the retired SU Upsy Daisy set, and it is embossed in gold powder.  I added some washi tape(one of which miraculously matched this green), and, upon finding it in need of something, I added a simple punched 1" circle that I put through a hounds tooth embossing folder. 

To  switch things up, I changed up the washi placement a bit--

Before packing it all up, I wound some twine around the whole set, and added a tab for decoration--

And that was that!  She HATED opening it, she liked the packaging so much.  I did get one back as a thank you, so that makes me happy!
These were GREAT fun to make, and I am glad they were appreciated. 
Christmas cards next!  I am back to work these days, so I may have to be a bit more sporadic with my postings.  I will do my best to keep up!
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. So glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am in love with your gift/card pouch/holder/thingies:) I REALLY love that huge butterfly stamp...so gorgeous!!! Beautiful handmade gifts from the heart!

  2. Someone has been busy. These are all great, and they will make wonderful gifts. The big stamp is awesome I may need to get that. Have a great day
    DIANA L.

  3. Wowie, what fabulous gifts!!! No kidding, that huge butterfly is a stamp? Whee - I " need" that one! :-D. I would have been like your sis who didn't want to ruin the packaging! Glad your holidays were super fun! Hugs!

  4. Fabulous sets and fabulous packaging, Richard! Great idea to add pencil colouring to the butterfly. You did well to let go of the 12x12 - I have boxes of papers that are too nice to use!

  5. So glad you had a great holiday,Beautiful cards!!!!All are soooooo very pretty!!!!Have a good evening!!!!

  6. My heavens you have been busy!! Theses are all so stunning! I love the butterfly cards! Those are so pretty! And the packaging is amazing! I'm seriously impressed here! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and everyone enjoyed their gifts! :)

  7. That is one cool swallowtail - seems I just saw it somewhere else recently. Thanks for reminding me that I have a large foam flutterby. Somewhere.
    I really dig your second set with the ombre dots. Ombre. Dots. How could I not. Then add some gold embossing... wunnerful.

  8. Oh! My! God! When I can pick up my lower jaw off my fingers I may be able to type some more but for now just know that you are the cardmaking god! And just curious but why did the drive take so long - snow?

  9. There is just so much awesome in this post! I absolutely LOVE those first couple of packages! Great cards, too!!!!

  10. Who cares about the picture heavy post when it looks like this!
    Great job an all!
    My Christmas cards are made, just have to address them!

  11. Yep, I'm still with you and I enjoyed every photo! Wonderful projects - sweet little packages and fabulous cards!

  12. What great card sets - especially the packaging!! and the gold accents - love them all. (and for the last few years I have taken the easy way out on Christmas cards and bought them...kind of pathetic, I know). :)

  13. I've read them all...every post I've missed and I'm filled inspiration and excitement to get back to crafting. I've been gone too long and need desperately to reacquaint myself with the craft room, but thank you sincerely for ALL the amazing posts you have had lately. Your style helps to put that fire under my butt and get me motivated. All of your latest creations are simply glorious and so well thought out. You can tell that you truly take the time to personalize for your loved ones and that means so much. Every bit of your makes are so invigorating and draw you right in. I don't blame your sister in law for not wanting to unwrap the packaging...that's always such a breath taking part of gifts too!
    Congrats on the back to work thingy and I look forward to keeping up with your posts now that I'm back above water and treading steady!

  14. Ok dude.....first of all....I totally wanna see that video of you in a turkey hat!!!! LOL ;) Sounds like you all did have a fabulous time and well-deserved!!!

    Now the cards...and gift packaging....waaaaaaaaay cool!!! And I agree....that Swallowtail design is simply G-OHOHOHOHOH-RGEOUS!!!!!! Wowza!!! That is a truly spectacular and special gift!!! Can't wait to see what you create for Christmas!!!

  15. Hi Richard, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  16. My goodness! I missed a LOT here! Spent a couple weeks in Germany, then the holidays hit, and we're on our second round of 10"+ of snow. This time, we also have the minus 8-15 temps too! Factor in the wind chill, and guess you figured out this lady's staying in where it's warm! Oh, my, what a fabulous post! I'm sure that the recipients are all so thrilled with your fun and beautiful creations! I must admit that I agree with Lee - must see the turkey hat video!!! Now...what did you create for Christmas, and WHERE THE HECK ARE YA?????

  17. are you still taking a break?! where are you? hope all is good

  18. Where are you? It's been way too long. Should I be worried?


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