Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mr Cardmaker is Feeling (Cutting) Edgy

Well, I'm back to join The Cutting Edge Challenge with their latest task.  I have so many photos edited, watermarked  and ready to go, I am hoping to get back up to my old self here on the blog.

The challenge was to follow this inspiration--

Isn't Kay's card just beautiful?  Well, I looked at it, and I broke it down to pieces-- Flowers, leaves, and sentiment, with a panel. 

So, my brain went off, and we veered a bit to the left with the inspiration, but I came up with something I liked.

I made this--

So, DEFINITELY not anywhere NEAR where Kay is with the clean and simple thing, but I DO love my colors and ALL those die cuts!

This is done with WPlus9 dies and stamps, sentiment and card stock (mostly) by Stampin' Up.  The purple leaves behind the panel are done with a Sizzix die.

The background paper is from one of my first ever crafting purchases. (Meeeeeeemorieeeeeees, light the corners of my miiiiiiiiind....)

Thank goodness for these dies.  I would go cuckoo if I had to fussy cut all those tiny flowers!

This was a fun one, and it went to my VERY best high school friend, Karlah. We haven't seen each other in years, but my heart is with her always. We were totally inseparable, back in the day, and there is still dents in the restaurant booth were we sat drinking gallons of coffee and planning our amazing lives to come.

Thanks so much for stopping by! More to come, and SOON!
All Best--


  1. Veering left is the true sign of an artist, dahling : ) Gorgeous card!!

  2. Well, no not the same as my clean and simple style but none the less FABULOUS in your awesome style Richard! I love your colors too and there is so much here to take in! Beautiful layering of all those gorgeous flowers!

  3. What a beautiful array of flowers you have here. Such lovely colors and terrific design with the addition of your die cuts you have achieved a fantastic level of dimension. Awesome job.

  4. LOVE your card, Richard...the colors and design...so artistic and beautiful!! Your story is sweet...made me smile, and I'm certain your card will make Kariah smile even more:)!! So happy you shared your creativity with us this week at The Cutting Edge:)!!

  5. Oh I love this artsy floral design!!! It's just gorgeous!! I love the arrangement and the dimension you gave to the bouquet! Thanks so much for playing along with the Cutting Edge Challenge!


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