Monday, September 29, 2014

Mr Cardmaker Contemplates His Pile

Did you ever look at your pile of crap stash of supplies and wonder "WHY do I have so MUCH stuff? And what exactly of it am I using?"
Yep.  Had that moment.  Did I respond by doing a big, deep culling of my crap  stuff, and going bare-bones?  NOPE!  I mere decided that it was time I started pulling out the stuff I hadn't used, and putting it (or at least, SOME of it) to work.
I made this--

So, yes, I HAVE used this stamp set and dies many times, and I will continue to do so, because I love it.  However, I have sort of moved away from using tons of patterned paper( or maybe I just feel like I have), so I pulled out several pieces of the hoard, and used them in my layering. 

Two of those papers are form my FIRST shopping trip to buy crap  initial supplies. The FIRST one. 

I also hadn't used my basic shapes dies like I should, considering the HUGE investment that lives in my craft room.  Not like this circle is any great shakes, People, but you gotta start SMALL.

Oh, yeah, I also used the smallest flower die from Spellbinders to make the sun.  I don't think I have EVER used the smallest die in any of my die sets...Isn't that weird?

Anyway, I like how the leaves manage to look like they're growing out of the circle and taking over the card.  I also love my Enamel Accents berries. S'nice...

So, the challenge to use my crap beloved stash continues.
Stay tuned.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-

1 comment:

  1. We're a funny lot, us cardmakers. When we first start out we feel we must have everything available, later finding we don't need most of it. I have enough paper to cover several small countries, but what do we think about paper? Say it with me - if I use it I won't have it any more. Right? I started out one time to use all my stamps so I used the SU stamps first because I have them alphabetized - I got through two stamp sets! But no, I can't throw anything away, although occasionally I can give away some "stuff". Love the card - it would especially be good for St. Patrick's Day!


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