Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mr Cardmaker is a Starmaker

Well, I managed to get in the doors of the now gone-but-not-forgotten Archivers store in my area just before  they closed a while back, and while it was WAY picked over, I found a few goodies.  One of them was a Sizzix star die set. 

I love stars.  They can be used for so many things, and they are so wonderfully strong and dynamic.  Great for men's cards, great for July 4, Christmas, New Years, baby cards...everything. 

I decided to enter a couple of challenges this week--

A Blog Named Hero Challenge #51 Spell it out for me!
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Go Boldly into Stamptember
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge-Anything goes STAMP

I made this--

Ok, so, I think this fits these challenges pretty well.  Bold, yes.  Lots of stamped words, yes. 
I used a beautiful Cosmo Cricket 8x8 pad called TV Dinner to make most of these stars, with some card stock ones thrown in too.  The recipe card is also cut from this pad.  So cute!
The stamps are from Paper Smooches Many Thanks.
Wouldn't this be great for someone who invited you to a dinner party?  Why, yes. Yes it would!
The inside looks like this (just not as wonky as the photo would show)--

I was pretty happy with this one, all in all. The dimension is really fun.

So, that's my card.

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Amazing! Your cards always make me smile!
    Do your cards have a 3-D ish effect going on or is that just me!?
    Had to read back, cause I'm playing catch up, and didn't want to miss anything!
    Love the Halloween tag, Hello card, and everything else in between!!

  2. Hi Richard - LOVE this star card! It is so well put together - balanced - and you are right about it being a great thank you note for a dinner party. I'm going to save this idea and work on it when I am re-united with my start nesties in Arizona (not until November, {sigh}. Hugs!

  3. Love the patterned paper you chose - great card.

  4. All I can say, really, is WOW!!!! Love it.

  5. So bright and cheerful! Awesome job layering!

  6. Hi Richard - your card is awesome - love the layers of stars!!
    Thanks for joining in at Simon Says Stamp STAMPtember Challenge!
    Caryn xxx

  7. I adore this card! It has so many absolutely wonderful elements and I like how you mixed stars with culinary elements. I would've never thought to combine those, but you did it brilliantly! And the color palette definitely fits into our "bold" requirement! Love that! I think you were very masterful in how you created the different layers and depths and the little bits of bling make it so sophisticated, too. Great combination of whimsicality and elegance! I'm so glad you shared this creation with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  8. Dude, this card is AMAZEBALLS! Not sure how I missed so many. I wasn't on break that long, but apparently I was. I am so excited about seeing your work. ALL of your posts that I missed are incredible with unique color combos and design layouts. You push the envelope like a pro. Incredible job Richard.
    Happy weekend and so sorry I missed so many of your great cards!


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