Monday, December 29, 2014

Mr Cardmaker has been Tagged for Good

Well, we interrupt our usual card making schedule too bring you some TAGS.  Never had been big on the tag thing before, but here we are. Can YOU say, "new addiction?"

But before we get there, how was your Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/non-denominational, secular winter extravaganza? We had a nice day-- quiet morning, family lunch, quiet evening.  Except for the lack of snow, just lovely.

But now, the tags.
I made these--

and these--

These started with me finding a little box with the trees, saved from my FIRST! Christmas cards ever.
I stamped and fussy cut these puppies for hours, and finally figured out I had way too many of them, so into a box they went. Six years later, here they were, and, as I hate to trash anything,, they needed to be used for SOMETHING.
Lots of Distress Ink blending, stamps by Lawn Fawn, lots of washi. Twine. Viola!

Then these, with the same Lawn Fawn set--


 With a doily and deer from Papertrey Ink--

And with a tree (from PTI as well)--

I DO like the snowy tops on the letters on this one...I'll have to remember that idea.

SO along with this Lawn Fawn set that has coordinating dies, I also picked up the Tim Holtz set of tag dies, which has, like seven different sizes of tag.  I think I will be all set for pumping out plenty of tags.

I will be right back with the last of the holiday cards for this year. I would like to get them out in the blogisphere before the year ends!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Wow! Fabulous tags!! When we were Skyping with the family for gift exchange, I overheard one of Steve's grandsons admiring the tag on his present! I felt like I had finally "arrived"! Hugs!

  2. Whoa! Tag-alicious! Please join Tag You're It next month--your tags are so inspiring....and gorgeous!

  3. Richard what a fabulous collection of tags!! All amazing. Happy New Year!

  4. that's a lot of tags - beautiful ones too. My favorites are the last two, the deer and the tree. My husband was behind my chair when I was looking and he said, what's that, a forest? So you did good! Happy New Year, luv.

  5. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care! Lovely touches to personalize gifts.


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