Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mr Cardmaker Makes Post (Card) Holiday Thank Yous

Well, this posting is rather late for the season, though, happily, these cards went out in a timely fashion.

Did you have a nice holiday season? Get lovely gifties? Take a trip? Get hammered on New Year's Eve?

We are very fortunate to have a generous family, who not only favor us with gifts, but also share their time and talents with us throughout the year. Making "Thank You" cards is always a pleasure, and I like spending lots of time on them, trying to get them to be "just so."

I made ten of these--

I LOVE old post cards.  I found this stamp (minus the Thank You sentiment--I added that) at Michaels after Christmas sale, and I snapped it up. I will get LOTS of use out of this over the coming years.

So, on white card stock, I used several Distress Inks to age the edges, watercolor the greenery, and add the "light in the window".  I also aged it more with some water drops, and then some black ink flicked onto the image.  Some shredding of the edges, a matte, a base, and there you go.

Then came the glitter.  OH, the glitter! Sadly, it is SO difficult for me to capture that shimmer in my photos.  you can just make out some of it in this shot..

Maybe a bit better now?  Look in the trees.
Oh well.  They were SHINY SHINY SHINY. For reals. Just sayin'. The roofs, the trees, the snowbanks...*sigh*...

This stamp will be great in a soft tan on cream card stock, or in red or green on matching card stock as a subtle background. SO much can be added on top of this, along with using it as is.  I look forward to doing many things with this stamp for next Christmas. 

My Michaels had several left this week at 80% off (!), so you might have a look at your local store...

Oh yeah, did you know that the CHA (Craft and Hobby Assoc.?) show is this week?  That means more NEW GOODIES coming available!  Oh my aching wallet...But what FUN! Watch for all the new releases coming up.

I am entering the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge, and Darnell's NBUS #3 challenge, because they want something NEW.  My stamp was just the thing!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Gorgeous! Love that stamp too. I live in the boonies so nearest craft store is about an hour and a half away. My wallet thanks me for that...LOL! Hope you guys had a great new year!

  2. Hard to believe that these postcards started as stampings on white paper and ended as warm, bronzed, weathered daguerreotypes. Alchemy!

  3. Fabulous thank you cards Richard, I saw that stamp and Michael's and kicking myself for not getting it. I will just have to enjoy yours. :)

  4. Happy New Year! Love the Thank You cards!
    Have a wonderful 2015!

  5. Oh my, how beautiful! I would have glanced at that stamp and said no thanks, but look what a masterpiece you made from it (10 masterpieces, masterpi?) Gorgeous, AND shiny : ) Thanks for sharing!

  6. LOVE the vintage and distressed look to this Richard! great job! Hazel x

  7. LOVE this Richard. I adore how you used the inks to color the image. I gave myself a Christmas gift of all the Tim Holtz mini distress inks. I found them at a great price on the net and couldn't resist. I still have to find set #5; for whatever reason that wasn't available. I have not used them yet; but I am promising myself some craft time this weekend. I am also looking forward to an all day "funraiser" day that is coming up soon. Lots of time to play!

  8. Such a beautiful card! Wow! Love it! Love how the light from the window is shining on the snow!! Reminds me of a Thomas Kinkade painting! :)

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  9. This I love!! I l almost thought this was a forgotten tradition. So happy to see that someone else practices gratitude and thanks This card is SENSATIONAL!!!

  10. That stamp is such a lovely artistic scene simply stamped on a card, but in your capable hands, you took it about five levels above that, Richard! I am really loving the light in the window and (eep!) the shadow of it on the glittery snow! Thank you so much for joining me as a follower and for playing in my NBUS Challenge #3! I hope to see you again soon!! Hugs, Darnell


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