Friday, February 13, 2015

Mr Cardmaker DOES get Weary

This was SUPPOSED to be published tomorrow, but my big fat fingers pushed publish by mistake. This is my second post for the day! Scroll down to read the other one!

Red and Pink. Pink and Red. YES, it IS Valentine's season, but COME ON....

Ok, rant over.

I can appreciate all the red and pink that happens during February, but I gotta be able to break it up SOMEHOW.

SO, with thoughts of impending Spring, I made this--

Whew. something, ANYTHING to cut through the ....oh, I did say "rant over" before, didn't I?
Carrying on!

So, yeah, another shaker card.  I should be out of pink sequins soon, I think....
Stamps and dies, and punches are from Unity and Stampin' Up.

So, this card came about from scraps left on my table from another project. (though, I have no idea what that project WAS....hmm.....Mr. Cardmaker may be losing it.)

I  like the idea of putting the shaker as more of an interior panel, as opposed to popping it off the surface. That way I can pop up other elements, and it get to be more interesting (if only to me!).

A view of the inside--

 All those kisses and hugs? Well, that STARTED as a very well placed single stamp in a perfectly selected place just under the sentiment.

Except, I stamped it upside down. OXOX. Who puts OXOX on  card?  It's XOXO!
OXOX is some insult to a pair of chubby twins, for crying out loud...

So, now we have a very much OVERSTAMPED series of kisses and hugs. Because love, right?

SO, see the sequin right in the middle of the E? how nicely it hung there for the photo?
I have no idea what is so sticky in there, but that sequin found it, and is hanging on for dear life.

But, I fixed it!

I added two sequins to the OUTSIDE of the acetate, so that other one wouldn't look so weird.
Besides, when all the sequins are just lying there, waiting to be shaken, the card looks a little dead, don't you think? And that's NOT what I'm going for, so much.
Funereal shaker cards don't have too big a market, I'm thinking....

So! That's my Valentine's OTHER Valentine.
I'm entering this in the Virginia's View shaker card challenge. My third!
I made a couple of tags, too. I only have one gift. One tag left over. Hmmmm....
Come see those, next time!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best!


  1. Amazingly creative card AND jokes as well. Never a wasted moment on your blog! But funeral shaker sure there isn't a small window of opportunity there?
    I absolutely LOOOOVE this card. A shaker that is an element of a card, but not the full focus...pure freaking genius!!
    Awesome job and now I'm so excited to go see your second aka first post.
    Have a great weekend :)

  2. It's great to see that green very much works for Valentine's Day, too! Not that I'd ever make a card (we don't really do Valentine's here in Germany) but I love to see all the love in blogland these days. Anyhow, fantastic card!

  3. From a distance I thought you were being funny saying it was a Valentines card, yet it looked Christmas-y. Then I enlarged the page and wow! This card is so pretty and well thought out. Even though this card was to be posted tomorrow, I'm so glad I got to see it early. Do you happen to use 3M for the shaker card's adhesive? Whatever you use, you used a deft hand. Great job. Hope your Valentine doesn't check out this site of yours and view it early.

  4. Ummmm how many sequins do you have?
    Doesn't matter, I'm sure you can come up with a shaker card for every occasion. All.Year.
    I find them pretty labor intensive, but the recipient is always astonished, so it's worth it!
    Nice save on the rogue sequin!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. We can never have too many of your posts, Richard, nor too many of your fabulous shaker cards! I love that you threw some green into the hot pink mess of Valentines!! This whole card design is melting my heart and totally being pinned. I really love the idea of the inner compartment, so to speak, for the sequints, and your idea to stick a couple of them on the outside of the acetate! I should have paid you money for this post and all the other inspiration in the previous posts!! Happy Valentine's Day! Have a great weekend!! Hugs, Darnell

  6. I told you...shaker cards addictive! You really put a lot of heart and thoughts in this little shaker/sucker (LOL)!! I love that there are so many "eye candy" in this one--every time I look, I see something new and adorable! Thanks so much for entering the challenge. Nothing makes me happier seeing card-makers like you having fun with this theme! Wish you and your hubby a very Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. The exterior sequin application is shear genius, OXOX hmmmmm XOXO ..... Now I'm confused.

  8. Richard I went from giggling to laughing out loud as I read your post! Your wittiness is so fun!!! I love your gorgeous shaker and the different levels with the outside/inside panels! Clever, colorful and creative! As for the misbehaving sequin....I seem to have some with every shaker card! :)

  9. I'm lovin' it!!!! I like pink and green together almost as much as I like yellow and green together. The happy accidents were fun too : )

  10. Literally LOL! My Lab is giving me odd looks, although he should be used to me doing this!
    Your card is beautiful! The green and pink combo is terrific and a nice break from the traditional. I have to agree with Lisa that there may be a small market for those funeral cards. Could be the next big thing... But my biggest laugh was from OXOX! It really bugs me when people get that backward, but from this day forward I will picture the poor chubby twins when I see that!


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