Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mr Cardmaker is Warming Up Leftovers

I am sure that I'm not alone in this one--
You wander through your craft space, maybe even just to clean it up (HA! That made me laugh), and you come upon a leftover doo-dad of something that you used to make another project.
WHAM! Lightning bolt!
Drop the laundry, or vacuum, or small child, or whatever, and sit down and get to work.

SO, do you remember this tag from a while ago?

See the "smile" die cut? Well, I stumbled on the negative of it, and I got whammied with the lightning bolt. No small children got hurt here, I swear, but I did lose an hour or so making a card.
I made this--
The little chads from inside the L and E were long gone, but I was NOT to be deterred by such trivial things! My Sakura glitter pen helped pull me through there. 
I found a $1.00 star punch at JoAnn's last weekend, and I put that and my 1/16" hole punch to work on the yellow panel. That tiny hole punch REALLY was inspired, I must say. I normally would have reached for a stamp or a white gel pen here; now I get to see more green poke through.
More stars, some flag banners, some sentiments.  I added more glitter pen to one of the flags to make that have a place to repeat, and the white enamel dots help point up the white embossed sentiment.
I don't have a pink-edged circle punch or dies, but they would've made the red circle fit in perfectly. (Something for the shopping list!)
You may also notice there is no black on this card, just browns (even the dark embossing powder!).
I felt like it brought all the brighter colors into a more masculine place, and with all the boys in my family, I need as many masculine cards as I can get.
This was a quick, pretty simple card. And LOOK! I cleaned up that one really small, insignificant scrap of paper from my craft room floor! That counts as cleaning, right?
So, just a quick one for today!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Stunning and happyfying (that's a word, right?) I gotta say, that tiny hole punch was inspired! It made such a difference!

  2. Great reuse of the "smile" negative die cut. And while it may not qualify as deep cleaning it may garner a slight tip of the cap for sustainability. I can foresee a challenge to make a card out of nothing but leftovers. And the prize could be 1 hour of maid service or better yet that awesome star punch. Off to Jo-Anne's and Molly Maid.

  3. Your warmed up leftovers are totally tasty! Great card and you made me smile with your prose!

  4. Yay for shopping your leftovers! This card is fantastic, the negative smile works awesome here!

  5. I really like your tag and card. Great uses for leftovers! And, it goes to show that you don't toss out right away as one day inspiration will hit you!

  6. This is awesome Richard! I love it when I find great uses for leftovers, as you have here! As always your use of papers and elements is perfect!

  7. Just wonderful - there are so many wonderful ideas on this card that I don't know where to look first. And congratulations on the cleaning part - that's still ahead of me here...

  8. Your cards are always so cheerful! Makes me smile! Have a great weekend!


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