Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mr Cardmaker Clearly Needs His Sleep

I am a rip-snorting, gimme dat mug, hot and fast coffee fan, to be clear. There are, however, certain times, and the frequency of these times is growing year by year, where nothing is going to satisfy my mood/state of mind/chill like a cup of thick-as-pitch, milk and honeyed Irish Breakfast TEA. Yup, tea. Good stuff.

Now, I can't do tea first thing in the morning. My stomach won't have it. Coffee only, please.
After 2pm, however, while I can and do manage a cup of the high test bean brew, my body finds that it functions better at bedtime if I make the switch to a distillation of the leaf. TEA. SLEEP. GOOD.

I make cards about tea and coffee, too.
I made this--

If you've been with me for the past few posts, you know that I'm into Stampin ups Balloon Celebration stamp set and the Cups and Kettle Framelits. (You may also know you can purchase them through me, too. Let me know...)
My OTHER new friend is an old friend of SU--My So Saffron ink pad. I love soft yellows, always have, and this color makes me very happy, especially with Spring around the corner.

Well, I made a stencil of the teacup image using one of the teacup dies and the heart-shaped steam die. I cut them from some card stock scraps, and used a foam dauber to color them onto my background.
I then used a mask (probably the same scrap of card stock) and the same dauber to get a tablecloth effect under the cup. I freehanded it with the folds (I call them folds, but I was probably trying for stripes. Don't tell anyone!)

I love that kettle die. Nice and clean, and a really good size. The sentiment stamps are fantastic and super flexible.
I have a martini glass stamp that I want to use with that sentiment. I am hoping it will fit right in the glass. I will work on that idea and get back to you.

Anyway, These ideas are only some of a VAST array of things to be done with these tools. Worthy additions to the stash, I must say.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. I like this pretty color combination! This has a great design too!
    Take Care!

  2. Your folds, er...stripes? look great! What a fun greeting for another 'drinking' friend! Can't wait to see the martini glass! Will have to peruse the SU catalog...might really NEED something!

  3. What a great card design. I love the colors too. I am not much of a tea lover but I do love my coffee! But not late at night. I might go for a cup of hot cocoa though.

  4. I really like that stenciled tea cup in the background--totally creative! The colors are warm and inviting--well-suited for a tea/coffee card!! I am in the same "pot" (boat...whatever you call it) as you (coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon/evening). Simple things in life make us happy...right? ;)

  5. Very cool, pairing coffee and tea! Love the cup silhouette. And your folds are better than stripes!

  6. These yellows are so wonderfully warm! Great card - though I can't wait to see the one with the martini glass!

  7. Beautifully done! Love the yellows! Love tea and coffee! :)

  8. Wonderful monochromatic design! I love the shading and detail - brilliant to make a stencil for the cup in the background!

  9. YES! So cute! I'm also loving this set and the matchy matchy thinlets that SU has now for a lot of the stamp sets! SU totally rocks!! So do you my friend!! Someday...someday I swear I'm gonna just show up and demand a cuppa and a big hug!! LOL


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