Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mr. Cardmaker is a Run(a)way

Well, Papa (aka Mr. Cardmaker) needs some new toys, so I'm entering a few challenges this week.  I was drawn in by the subject of this week's Runway Inspired Challenge , and I decided to hop on in.

Oh, yeah I am also doing CASology's "Word" challenge with this one, too.

This is the lovely fashion piece that we are to work from-  

I really like the graphic black and white scheme, the silky look as it moves, and that little hit of red in the lipstick.  Great ideas to incorporate into this card.
So, I got an idea, and I got to work.
Tried once.  Messed up with the tape. Rats.
Tried again.  Goofed on the inking. Poop.
Try #3.  Ribbon issues, then smeared in ink.  #%@!!!
Walk away from the project......
About an hour later, Try #4.  I think we're okay.

It turned out looking like this--

The black is all embossed, except for the edges of the card.  I could've pounded that thing with embossing buddy dust all day, and I was STILL going to get a fleck or two of black somewhere. 

I manipulated the ribbon to give it some movement.  Big help here from my Scor-tape and glue dots.

How about that little red "glow" going on there?  Can you guess how I did it? 
Nope, I did NOT ink the edges of the cardstock. Guess again.  Can you guess?

I inked the BACK of the cardstock!  What you're seeing there is the reflection onto the white card base, as it sits up on the adhesive foam pieces!  Man, I was so happy about coming up with that idea!  I'm SURE it's not really new, but I NEVER see it being used, myself, so it's new to me!

BTW, on one of my many tries to get this right, I attempted doing it by adhering red cardstock to the back.  NO DICE.  It was simply not as reflective as the ink.  Not sure why, but you have to go with whatever works.  The ink was key!

You have to see it in another view to see the edges are not inked...

And yet, STILL that little "hint of red lipstick" glow.  I am actually pulling a muscle in my back at this moment, trying to reach around and pat myself!

Head on over to RIC, and try out this challenge!  I hope you'll have as much fun as I did!
Oh yeah, I'll have TWO more challenge posts coming up.  Check them out, if you get a sec.

Thanks so much for dropping by!
All Best-


  1. Wow, Richard, this card is quite exquisite! Your choice of stamps and trims are absolutely SUPERB!! I love reading how you created this beauty--FUN! It's always a treat to see what you come up with. Excellent work! And oh... I love the subtly inked up edges, too!

  2. Wowza, you have been busy! Two posts in one day! I love this inspiration photo, the model and her dress literally look fluid. Your card is fabulous, ESPECIALLY the red glow! You are da man! I'd be patting myself on the back too - great job, my friend! This is one of those challenges that I always say I'm going to try, and I never do. Bah! Moxie Fab, too - I'm scared to enter that one - those folks have talent in their veins!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. LOL! Looks like the 4th time was the charm! What a fabulous creation, Richard! I especially love the hint of red there.

    Thank you for your kind comments on my Moxie Fab feature. Honored to be in the same "club" as you!

  4. I'm on the floor! Knock out perfection and stunning design. Absolutely fantastic idea with the red ink glowing from behind. It actually looks like it's illuminated with a light source...awesome!
    Pop some Ibuprofen and keep on patting your back. This is GORGEOUS!

  5. Absolutely positively stunning! And the red glow - I thought perhaps they made little tiny glow lights that you could back there (sort of how they make little sound thingies for cards now). What an idea! You're a genius to be sure - a talented, amazing, genius : )

  6. Wow you card is fabulous! Im so glad I found your blog!!!!!!!! YOu are incredible talented, this card is amazing on so many different level. 10 that ruched ribbon is fab. 2) the red pop of tinted color 3) I mean the pearls are placed perfectly ok yes this card is a WINNER in my eyes, it embarrasses mine haha and I thought mine was cute lol

  7. Stunning! Love the loops of ribbon and 'glow' of red. Genius :) Hugs Bev x

  8. Stunning! Creative GENIUS!!!! Richard this card is just incredibly beautiful! And I have to say it again - STUNNING! I LOVE the way you added the red ink to the background! It is subtle but makes such a beautiful display! And the stamping / embossing / ribbon....perfection my friend!!!!!! LOVE IT!

  9. Very elegant - I love the cascade of ribbon down the front - beautiful texture and shimmer! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week!

  10. Beautiful card!Love the black and white,the ribbon is awesome...

  11. Sorry to hog another comment but I just noticed, days later, that this card was in my mind feminine because it came from a dress, but can also be masculine as the ribbon looks like the front of a tuxedo shirt. You rock!

  12. Lovely take on both challenges. Your dress is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at CASology!

  13. That hint of red is so clever! And I love the ruffled tape. I've given up on black powder so I cheat by using black ink and clear powder.

  14. JUST WOW! That glowing red underneath the panel is genius! And I love the placement of the ribbon in the middle! Thanks for joining us at Runway Inspired Challenge!

  15. It's me again Richard:))) Lovin' your RIC card! That ribbon treatment is divine! So glad you joined us for the Runway Challenge!


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