Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mr. Cardmaker is an Esoteric Kinda Guy

Also known as a weirdo.  Ok, maybe that's harsh.  Uh, let's say, "I march to the beat of my very own drummer."

               Note:  This is my second post for today!  Scroll down for the other one!

Anyway, when it came to creating a card for the Simon Says Stamp Travel /Cityscape Challenge, I pulled out some stamps and stuff, and decided I could also make this work at the Moxie Fab World's Wonders of Watercolor Challenge.  I am a big fan of my water brush.  This thing takes ink or paint or whatever, and lets you squish out just the right amount of water from the handle to make some cool looking stuff. 

I actually ended up using three different stamp sets to create this one.
I made this-

This is waaaaaaaay out of my normal comfort zone, but I went with it.  I think it took me about 20 times running back and forth to my heat gun to dry layers of ink, but in the end I sort of like this. 

I wish photos were truer to real life.  There's pink in the background of the cityscape, and it is actually quite pretty. 

Anyway--Who do you send this one to?  I am thinking I would probably make and send this for somebody just out of college and off to make their way in the big city, or just somebody leaving home for the first time, maybe.  Or, you could give it to your kid as you kick him and his stuff out of your house, finally.  (Oh, come ON, he's 43!!)  A simple "get out, love Mom" would work on the inside, probably, in that case.

But anyway, this was a fun experiment.  Not for everyone, probably, but I learned a  long time ago that there is no way to be everything to everybody.  So what if this is only for three or four somebodies? 

Thanks for putting up with my wild ravings.  As Dr.Sheldon Cooper says, "I'm not crazy.  My mother had me tested." 
Oh yeah, check out my other challenge entry from today, too!  It's for Runway Inspired!

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm laughing too hard to type! Great post, Mr. Esoteric Kinda Guy! Your card is perfect for someone just starting out on their own, or starting over, or getting ready to.... just perfect! Good luck on the challenge at Moxie Fab!

  2. Richard I love this! A gorgeous watercolour and collage! You definitely don't look like you were out of your comfort zone! The shading is beautiful, the double stamping of the globe is perfect and the way you stamped it over the buildings! Pinned!

  3. I love the way you did the globe; it's a nice contrast to the suitcase. Where did you get the "You are here" stamp?

  4. Love the ethereal look from the watercoloring, and yes, a perfect card for a college graduate.

  5. You gave me the best laugh this morning Richard! How did you know??? LOL Actually he's only 18 and graduates this year, but we joke that he'll be like one of the guys in Step Brothers and never leave. I hope when we banter like this, he's only 1/2 way kidding...Ha! About fell out of my chair at the "Get Out"...I pray it doesn't come to that. ANYWAY, as for the's spectacular how you fused these 3 stamps together and the colors are exquisite and I DO see the pink in the background. I for one love it and yes, it would make a fabulous graduation card!
    Happy weekend
    Lisa x

  6. Wow, if I were you, I'd pop this in a frame and keep it, rather than figure out who to give it to. There's something so - what's the word - ethereal? - about the juxtoposition of a tiny suitcase, a sprawling city, and an enormous world. Very deep. The pink is wonderful!

  7. Wow, this is very striking, Richard! Love that you tried something new here, to great success. Such fantastic depth you've achieved!

  8. Gorgeous card! And I can see the pink! It really is lovely.
    (I just became your newest "follower") :)

  9. Hey Richard - your post made me laugh out LOUD! My son asked me what is so funny - he is home on spring break this week and we have been having lots of fun together. I love how your watercoloring turned out - love the soft pink skyline in the background!

  10. I loved all of your ideas for this card and can think of a few more... The good thing is it's not gender specific. I'm stuck in pink and green flower land and have had enough! I adore your card!

  11. Great card,Very pretty,Love the water coloring...

  12. It's fantastic! You should go out of your comfort zone more often! :)

    Thanks so much for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp challenge!

  13. I love your take on this challenge! I really loved the background!

  14. No matter how much time this took, it was worth it. This card ROCKS!! I LOVE the painting on this and that globe is so cool. Fabulous, fabulous card!!

  15. Ooh, love this! Great watercolouring (including the pink). I love the composition, with the suitcase in the foreground. And I LOVE your "get out" theme! My two have "got out" to the other side of the world - must have been something I said.

  16. Fabulous card Richard :-) I love the whole design of this and your write up had me laughing out loud :-) GET OUT ! ,,,, perfect, and I will be CASE'ing this :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge :-)
    Lols x x x

  17. Richard, this is an awesome card and I can totally tell that it must just be amazing in person!

  18. Hey Richard! Thanks for linking this up to the Wonder of Watercolor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

    ...and thanks also for your kind words about my new headshot! You are so sweet! :)


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