Friday, April 19, 2013

Mr Cardmaker has a Thing for Coffee.....

This week I'm finally playing along with Moxie Fab World's Tuesday Trigger.  Somehow, I have been missing the fact that there is a CHALLENGE involved with the pretty inspiration pictures....Oy, am I brain-dead sometimes!

Anyway, now that I am up to speed (ish!), here's the inspiration for this challenge-

I am a great lover of coffee. So much, in fact, that I think Juan Valdez should be cannonized.  You remember him, the guy from the coffee can....oh, never mind.  I'm rattling around in the windmills of my mind again...
ANYway!  I made a card!
It looks like this--
Clearly, I went with the theme of the card, rather than the colors.  I actually panicked about that for a split second, before I saw others had done the same thing. 
SO, I stamped my coffee cups, and just did little swipes of color with sponge daubers, then did the red swirl and steam parts with markers.  Then, I pulled out a trick I saw a million years ago, where you actually use real coffee to make "mug marks" in strategic places.  I drink my coffee with milk, so it ended up more on the subtle side, but the idea is definitely there.
The banner came together with those bits of washi, and my hearts and stars kind of remind me of cookies.  (cookies, mmm...)  What better to go with coffee?  A bit of foam tape, some twine, some pearls, and there you go.
I am very glad I placed the banner OVER one of the coffee rings, so that it really looks purposely done, and not like I just jammed some ruined card into an envelope and rushed it off.  Some people are so touchy about stuff looking good...
Well, that's the card.  Going back over this post, it seems I clearly have had too much coffee this morning.  Either that, or I am a bit wiki in the waki woo....who can say?  I need more coffee...
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. That is awesome ... you used real coffee on your coffee card!! Love it. And those bits of washi on the banner I noticed right away. Great touch : )

  2. I love this!
    too much coffee? nah... no such thing! ;)

    I was so happy when I saw Cath post this fab pic over on Moxie Fab. it just screams 'me', so glad to know I have a kindred spirit here! :)

    enjoy your weekend!

  3. wow you are just loaded with talent, all of your cards are AMAZING !

  4. Richard - This is really, really beautiful! I love that you went with bright colors on this card - a double shot of caffeine. Love the layout, too!

  5. Even before I got to it in your post, I was like "hey, is that a coffee ring?" I LOVE how much of yourself you put into your creations! So creative and so YOU! BTW being wiki in the waki woo is a good place to be:)

    Have a bodacious weekend! (I had a groovy professor in college that used to say this and it seemed appropriate;)

  6. Richard I love it! And I am craving a cup of coffee now! Not to mention a sugar cookie with some tasty frosting on it! LOL! Seriously I love what you did! And your blog voice and writing style just always make my day! Hugs -Jill

  7. How fantastic, how unique! usually "coffee" cards are dark and dreary....but here comes this bright exciting card. I love it. And the hearts and stars DO bring cookies to mind. You are such a treasure!

  8. Wonderful card Richard, love those cheery coffee cups (I'm more of a tea's the British in me lol) x

  9. Richard.....such a fabulous take on the Trigger! I love the little bits of Washi and the pearls!!

  10. Oh, wow! This is so cute! I love it!

  11. Wonderful card Richard! The multiple cups are stamped perfectly and I love the touch of color on each. The "real" coffee rings are a great touch. As a matter of fact, about 4 years ago, I saw a card made using "coffee rings". When I commented to the maker that I thought it was brilliant to use real coffee rings, she informed me that it wasn't coffee, it was an actual stamp. The stamp set is now retired. Best, Curt

  12. Very cool coffee stain technique, Richard!

  13. I love this warm and cheerful card! I like how you stamped your own background paper and I love the subtle coffee rings.

  14. How have I missed your blog ?? fabulous card !1 am going for a mooch around the rest of your stuff now :-)

    Lols x x x

  15. Love all of the elements you put into this card. I think it is Moxie Fab!

  16. Richard, This is fun, beautiful, and really does warm the heart!! If you have any IO stamps, join us in our challenges. If you don't, borrow or get some. Your cards are awesome!! I picked you up from Patti's blog! Hope your server heals. Who do you get your email from? Shirley, here! :-)

  17. Love your card!Very pretty,the back ground paper is awesome!!!


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