Monday, May 20, 2013

Mr Cardmaker Tries to MishMash Up the Joint

Well, it was a good long week of gardening, from carting and laying down much, to planting a new cherry tree, to filling the window boxes and planters with lots and lots of lovely things.  Now, I just have to water and enjoy.  Looks so nice, so far!

I made some cards that were inspired by Michelle Wooderson's cardmaking style. Her blog is called MishMash, and is really worth checking out at length.  She does cards, and LOTS of Project Life stuff, and she makes awesome card elements and kits which she has available at her Etsy shop.  She is SO great at doing collage cards, and the way she makes many elements come together is such a great way really had me wanting to CASE her style.

I actually showed you one of the cards HERE.  I did a few others, and I really found that it all takes some practice.  Some of these are better than others.  Let's see why.

This was the one I already showed you--

I think the reason this works so well (for me) is that you really have a hard time deciding where one layer stars and another ends.  The name of the game here is print paper and tags.  The patterns and shapes really keep your eye moving, with that one sweet resting spot which happens to hold the sentiment. 
Then there's this one--
Here, too, lots of movement, but fewer shapes this time.  I am late to the table, but can I just say I LOVE me some washi tape?  It took me a while to figure out what to do with it, but I love that it's semi-transparent, and works in so many places!
Then there's this one--
This one is a bit simpler, using the motif of the paper as a guide.  That little banner on the tag is paper pieced.  Of course, I love my stars.  I think we lose something here with the text paper NOT being aged down a bit, and the blue dot paper needs an edge treatment, I think.

Here's where things break down a bit, for me--

So, it's hard (read, impossible) to see in this photo, but the big dark paper has text on it.  I was trying to continue the idea of text being the watchword.  Again, I think the cream text sheet should have been aged down , and WHAT was I thinking cutting things off just short of the edge of the card?  Does the bottom left corner make you as crazy as it does me? 
The dark piece is too wide, the text sheet is wicked crooked (which is why everything else is on an angle, btw), and the folder tabs just don't really add so much, IMHO.
This was my first try in this series; can you tell?  In fact as I remember, I made each of these in direct opposition to how I show them here. 

Like I said, new ideas take practice.
Let me know what you think.  (Be kind.)

What are you trying, lately?  Who's inspiring you?

Oh, yes, update on my Mega Meet experience.  I SAW Tim Holtz, but no photo with him, or even OF him.  Oh, well.  I got some good stuff, and I am proud of my powers of restraint.

And, HEY!--Do you know that your local TJMaxx often has craft supplies in their stationary and book stuff?  I just got a BIG cluster of 6x6 paper pads for $2.99 EACH.  There are also often stamps and punches to be had, as well as ribbon packs.  You gotta have a look!

Thanks for stopping by. 
All Best-


  1. These are really great, Richard. I might have to give this style a try. It seems like a great way to use pieces from other projects. Your photos are great!

  2. I'm afraid I have to disagree with your thoughts that the worded paper needed distressing. Since the card's overall appearance is vibrant and fun, aging (to me) would be out of character for the overall card. I like what you've done with all of them, especially the fun Swiss dotted stars. Best, Curt

  3. I too had a long weekend of gardening! So nice to spend time outdoors in the sun! I love Michelle's lovely collage style cards and her blog too!! I think your cards are wonderful and I love the tapes you used! I had no mojo for cardmaking this weekend myself...maybe today! :)

  4. Very pretty cards,Very colorful,I too have not been in my craft room in the last week,it must be spring fever!!Have a good day!

  5. Hey these are great Richard. Thanks for thinking of me and linking me up! Way to go.

  6. You are rockin the blog today! Wowzers! So...I do have to agree with Curt tonight! It's perfect the way it is! You are so talented, and I love that you are ALWAYS stepping outside your comfort zone to try something new to you! Sorry you didn't get to schmooze with Tim, but happy you had a good time! Grrrrr....the closest TJ Maxx is over 90 min. Drive....bah!

  7. Practice does make perfect : ) I agree about not aging the wordy paper too. If you have a Ross, a Marshall's, and/or a Tuesday Morning, they also get some craft stuff sometimes. happy day!

  8. I really like all these!
    So different than the matchy matchy!
    I'm always scared to put all that together, but yours are great!
    I'm going to dig through the remnant pile & try some!
    Maybe even later today (like after work), cause it's raining!

  9. I got a great deal on twine at TJ. Definitely a good place to check now and then.

  10. all are great card wooooowww...and congrats on being the winner on CARDS blog challenge your card really cheerfull and you like to use the washi tape and these all...I would be happy if I get one of your YUMMY regards from Germany...Monika


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