Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It SERIOUSLY Doesn't Get Any CASimpler....

One of the lovely ladies in my Stampin'Up! group is Windy Ellard.  I was interested in a small group of stamps that came with the Paper Pumpkin set for April, and she wasn't using hers.  So she SENT them to me!  Just like that!  Well, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, crafters are about the NICEST, MOST GENEROUS group in all the land!  What a doll, our Windy!

I had to make something with them the second I saw them.
I made these--

Sorry about the photo.  I wanted to get these up on the blog, and the iPhone was there....
Two stamps.  Two inks.  Three pieces of washi tape. Corner rounder punch.
I am NOT known for my CAS cards, as you know.  (If you don't know, read my crazy entry HERE)
Sometimes the muse is with you. 
I hope you like!

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Seriously, Richard....(pun intended) love your cards, guts and all!!! Fun to stop by here and see the CAS side of Mr. Cardmaker! I must agree about the generosity and trust of our little craft world. I couldn't count the number of times that I've either borrowed or loaned stamps and supplies, or gone to my mailbox to find a nice surprise from a fellow crafter. We hang out with some uber-fab folks! Have a great day :)

  2. Love these cards, Richard! Love the tape, too!

  3. OH see? You can do fabulous CAS too!! I also sooo struggle with it...it's so hard to resist adding BLING! LOL But these are uber cool! And you know it....crafters make such awesome friends and are the only reason I think that I have any sanity left! LOL

  4. They are awesome - - - Seriously! I, too, love my crafty friends - the bestest people ever! A shout out to Windy Ellard for making these beauties possible!

  5. Fantastic! I love to look at CAS cards, they're always so nice and "orderly", but when I try to make them, uh oh, all that white space MUST be filled in : )

  6. I have a hard time with CAS!
    I want to keep adding 'stuff'!
    You nailed these!
    They made me smile, and are great!

  7. Oh MY ... these stamps are a RIOT!!! Thank goodness they wound up in a good home : ) The washi tape works so well with them too. Stampers ROCK!

  8. Well you can certainly do CAS! Fab cards, especially the right-hand one - something about the washi.

  9. I don't think there's a cooler set of sentiments out there. These are terrific!! The CAS style says it all. :)

  10. I love these! And I totally love that you did CAS! :)

  11. These sentiments are fantastic! Love CAS on you:)

  12. I just randomly stumbled upon your blog tonight and wanted to leave a comment and say that I'm loving everything I'm seeing! Great work here. Adding you to my reader now...

  13. WOW, I like your CAS cards, and your bold colorful ones too!
    Just saw your card on the Curtain Call Nautical challenge and had to get a closer look!
    Turning the PTI Harvest die to a Nautical was brilliant!

    New Follower
    -Happy Crafting, Kimberly!


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