Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 2013 Papertrey Blog Hop!

I made some cards to enter into a special issue of Paper Crafts Mag that deals with masculine cards.  Well, that sorta didn't work out for me.  I do not like to pay retail for my crafting supplies, and subsequently, I end up with many things that are no longer available for sale at retailers.  Yeah....That idea really rules out getting published, like EVER.  Everyone wants things they can readily get, so they can duplicate your ideas 100%. 

Don't we crafters FROWN on  that idea?  CASE-ing, yes, but copying?  Meanwhile, the magazine people are fostering that idea.  I really think offering a decent substitution in your materials list should be enough to allow you to publish.

Of course, it comes down to SPONSORS.  You can't get people to sponsor stuff that they no longer sell, even if you DO send them back their way for the latest and greatest thing they sell,  I suppose.  Pity.

Anyway, I made this card, and I am entering it in Papertrey Ink's GOLD Challenge Blog Hop.

It looks like this--

See the lovely speckles going on here?  Yeah....That's the stamp in question.  And, actually, I probably would not have been able to find who made the teensy leaf punch I used either, so....

Well, my gold deer done with PTI In the Meadow die collection are rather stately, if I say so myself.  I am MAD for gold embossing!! I think I will never tire of using those dies, and the stamp set that goes with it!

I used torn vellum strips to do the snow banks, used tons of punches for elements, and the whole thing is on a PTI Kraft base. 

Oh yes, just to update those following the progress at my house, the blue paint is on the house, the shutters are ordered, and I have one coat of the lime green on the front door.  Looking good so far!!

Thanks for stopping by!!
All Best--


  1. Gorgeous details! Love those golden deer and vellum snow banks!

  2. I love the scene you have made and love the background too totally adorable....I wish I can make a sweet scene too like you Richard...your blog name stay in my list in the right side also I can come here always if a new post from you....have a great day best regards from Munich. Monika

  3. What a fabulously layered card...it took me a bit to soak in all the details. (This must have taken forever to make!) Love those gold deer.

  4. That's a great card!
    I feel like you do.........
    did someone say there's a discount table!
    My peeps I make cards for don't know it's not the latest/in paper or embellishments!
    You rocked the gold (God) deer!

  5. You're right! I have maybe a few things that I've paid full retail for, bargain hunter that I am : ) But the card - WOW!!! Can't wait to see the house.

  6. Ooh, love this card! Pinning, so that I can case - not copy ;)

  7. Gorgeous card!Love the gold deer,Just awesome!!!

  8. This is wonderful! Love the gold deer and that is one of my favorite PTI sets of all time! Hooray for house painting! The colors sound great!

  9. Beautiful scene - love the gold deer & vellum snow and terrific background - love it all! I'm another bargain hunter who likes supplies that will have a long life, but that is not the priority of the magazines always looking to highlight the newest product.

  10. I'm giggling as I try to type, you are so funny - ranting about this! I'm glad you use whatever you want to use. I do, in fact, try to get just IDEAS from other people's work and to be honest, I can't even remake my own card the same twice! LOL. Now, to gush about your card. . . . I DO love the sprinkled dots. I think I might have a similar (retired) stems that I used to go-to often but had forgotten! But I think my fave thing about the card is the vellum snow! Thanks as always Richard!

  11. Beautiful card, Richard! I love the vellum hills and clustering of shapes and patterns. I need those reindeer dies. You have a great blog and I enjoyed browsing through it!

  12. wow! i love the speckled look and those deer definitely rock! browsing thru your blog was a delightful trip and made me a new follower. oh, i found you at patti's blog (cherish eash precious day). would love to see you stop by my blog... just to say hi.

  13. Gorgeous card. Love the layout. The speckles really add to the card. Believe it or not, I have that old rubber stamp. don't use it much. Those vellum snow banks look great with the deer.

  14. This is a great card! It looks like you put lots of work into it! Yes, I love my rubber stamps!!! I'm getting to miss using them.

  15. Gorgeous, Richard! I love the gold embossing too! However, I'm not IN love with the powders I have. What kind did you use? hugs, sus

  16. Gorgeous, Richard! I also love the gold embossing. However, I'm not IN love with the embossing powders I have. What kind did you use! It's so....um, "goldy"!! hugs, sus

    1. I use JudiKins Gold Detail embossing powder here. It is so nice, isn't it?

  17. Mmmm....very nice goldy powder there! I have some JudiKins Egyptian Gold that I pull out for special occasions! Beautiful card, Richard - sorry I've been MIA :)

  18. Your card is wonderful and those tiny leaves are fabulous!!

    I know just what you mean about using older supplies! I'm a SU demo and have to use current items in my classes. Occasionally, some less than new things make an appearance... I never understood the concept of getting rid of perfectly good things just because you can't buy them anymore. Of course, it does make for great bargain shopping for the rest of us!!

  19. Wonderful, wonderful, LOVELY card, Richard! Love every bit of it.

    I struggle with that whole topic on using current products to get published. I really don't have a whole lot of current supplies, since I started so long ago. So the few things I have tend to get over-used and then I just get annoyed at the results. I also don't understand why anyone would want to copy a card exactly, or even mostly. But I guess, as a reader, I could see falling in love with a stunning image and then being bummed that it is no longer made. It is nice knowing that most everything you see in the magazine you can order today if you wanted. Having said that, I still don't think that should stop magazines from publishing projects with old material. But I guess it does. I just heard one of the magazines will no longer publish anything with a PSX product on it, since that manufacturer is no longer making stamps.


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