Monday, July 1, 2013

Mr Cardmaker Gets His Girly On

Oh, Oozak, the things I DO for you!  (No, you will NOT have to suffer me in a push-up bra and sling-back heels. You deserve so much better than that horror show.)

This month were doing a "Anything goes with GIRLY" challenge at the blog.  I decided to go with a sweet little charm card, using some Stampin' Up cardstocks, and a Crate Paper 6x6 pad.

It looks like this--

I am big on doilies on "fancy" cards, and I just went to buy more of this tiny size at my local Wilton distributor, and they CHANGED the design!!  And, not for the better!!!  I just don't know what I'm going to do....unless someone out there has a set of doily dies they are willing to part with at a reasonable cost!

These charm cards are a hoot to create!  You just find all kinds of fun elements, many of which were just hanging around my craft table, and line them up on a piece or two of cording.  My tags are right for my paper pad, the star and heart were hanging about, and the leaves were a left over from a previous project.  I made the flower. 

Be sure to check out the Oozak design team's cards, and for REALS, check out the stuff on the website.  Bargains GALORE!!  Inkpads, Copics, Paper much at such good prices!

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Cute card!
    SU has a doily die.
    Just sayin!

  2. I tell u..I come back again here to see your lovely card...wohooo this is really girly and nice arrangement on your the color combo too...beautifully done Richard...see u on my blog..byee for now....

  3. It's fun to know that you care so much about the doily!! This card has so many lovely elements! Love the sentiment with a period! And belated congrats on your BIG win over CARDS blog!! That is HUGE, Mister!

  4. That's a fun card and I'm not sure if you enter challenges, but you are welcome to enter the Die Cut Divas' challenge at Now aren't you glad you made the flower?

  5. that's really cute! Check the internet - someone probably has some of the old style doily left over somewhere : )

  6. Very Pretty!Love the design!Have a Great Holiday!!!

  7. Egads...what a visual THAT is! Great card, though :) Thanks for sharing, and for NOT subjecting us to seeing you in push-up bra and high heels! lol...You are a mess!

  8. Now see?? You do girly soooo fabulously!!! Although I'm not suggesting to go for the push up bra and heels! ;) But this card is perfect!! I love it tons and tons! Oh yeah...I am a girlie girl though! So you definitely succeeded! LOL

  9. LOL! Push up bra and heels... You crack me up! This is such a wonderful collection of bits and pieces! Perfectly girly!!

    If Wilton changed the style, you might want to keep an eye out at the craft stores that carry cake supplies. You may just find some in the clearance bins!!

  10. Oh how eclectic! Love the bits and pieces look here. Hopefully you can find another source for the doilies. I have two doily dies (because I didn't just learn the first time) and they are a big PAIN to use. All those little pieces that don't fall away have to be punched out by someone!


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