Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mr Cardmaker Is Concise (to a Fault)

So, cancer sucks.  Yeah.
Someone close to us was just diagnosed, and that also sucks.

Not only for him, but for those in the house who take care of him, the family, friends....everyone around him.  Mostly for him.  Luckily, meds are working pretty well, so that's a good thing.

I sent him a card a while ago, and forgot to take any photos.  Rats.

But for the lady of the house, who I am sure can also use some extra support, I made this--
(avert the children's eyes, please)--

This card started with the flowers I made from a scrap when I first bought this Sizzlit die.  They sat around for a good while, until I saw the other papers that you see, and decided they were good for each other.  The flowers are super simple, just curled around a pencil, and centered with some My Mind's Eye brads that I've had for a bit.  The leaves have a fun treatment though.

You can see them better here--

Well, somewhat better, anyway.  I trimmed two leaves from the remainder of the paper, curled them a bit, and adhered them with glue to keep the curl.  The one with the sequin is less obvious, but it's done the same way as the one on the quatrefoil paper.

I don't usually do the simple paper panel thing, especially not without a mat behind it, but I like the simplicity here.  I also almost never have such a big border of card base showing.  Hey, you gotta mix it up sometimes; am I right?

I hope you don't think of me as a potty mouth now.  Or is that a potty card(maker)?  In this instance, I do find this to be the perfect sentiment.  I think it's good for a laugh, too.  It says, "BIG HUG" inside. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Big Hugs to you.
All Best--


  1. This card is sooooo GORGEOUS!!! I LURVE the sentiment because you are speaking The Truth!! Cancer sucks!!!

  2. your card will most certainly be appreciated, I can tell you that from personal experience. I am more sorry than you can imagine to hear about your friend's diagnosis. it truly stinks. in so many ways.

    when I first received my cancer news, the responses that meant the most to me where not the ones who said, 'this will pass' or 'you are strong' but the ones who said, 'this just sucks' or words more along the ones on your card. ;)

    you are right on track and it will truly mean a lot to them. you are a very special friend. :)

  3. Your card is perfect! And the sentiment is right on! I will never forget 7-30-2010 as it was the day my sweet husband was diagnosed - you are so right that it changes everyone's lives! Bless them and you for supporting them all on their journey!

  4. Love it, Richard! It says exactly what needs to be said in a time like this - and it's beautful to boot. :)

  5. Oh dear Richard! This is one of those situations where only heartfelt emotion will ring true. Your card is both lovely and honest. Nice work!

  6. Concise is often best. And honesty is always best. It's a gorgeous card and I love it!

  7. Beautiful card,love the colors,The sentiment is AWESOME,and very true!!!

  8. You have used the design principles so beautifully! I love the things in 3s and how you draw the attentions to the lovely elements! Love it! I am sure the lady of the house will appreciate this thoughtful card!

  9. So I'm reading along about your friend and thinking how much cancer sucks, and then bam--I started laughing out loud when I saw the sentiment. I LOVE the juxtaposition of the sentiment and the lovely flowers. The way you fussy cut a couple of leaves was a great idea, too!

  10. Absolutely beautiful - everything about it!! And the sentiment says it all without wasting any words : )

  11. You know what? Cancer really does suck and deserves all the potty mouth ever thrown at it! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend! But the card is not only gorgeous with those flowers....but also REAL with the sentiment. Keepin' it real and being there is the most important thing anyway. Wishing your friend lots of success and healing and hugs to you too!!

  12. Damn right it does! But the cool thing is, Hallmark doesn't make a card for that, but you did and it's AWESOME!!
    Thank you for sharing this :) Prayers go out to your friends.
    Lisa x

  13. Beautiful card Richard.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    Gr Elly


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