Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunshine-y Day With Mr Cardmaker

I have been playing a bit with my Claudine Helmuth stamp set called "So Retro" a bit lately.

I guess I have been wanting more sunshine, too.  We've had weird up and down temperature changes for the past several weeks, and LOTS of rain came with all the changes.  I need SUN!

So, I made my own.
I made this--

Now, that'll wake you up, right?  Lots of sunny colors here, and some requisite "shades" to go along with.

This couldn't be easier to do.  One image, two inks, and some Glossy Accents to make my orange sunglasses have "lenses".  Add a triple flag, with a sentiment from Avery Elle done in white embossing powder.  Sketch some stitch lines and add some sequins.  Oh yeah, and a tiny snip of ribbon.  BOOM.  Hot and juicy.

Your turn!

Thanks for stopping by!  That makes me feel warmer than any sunshine could.
All Best--


  1. Great card, how fitting to have those cool sunglasses with the vibrant card!

  2. Love your card,Very Pretty,Has lots of sunshine!Have a good day!!!

  3. Love your sunshiny card Richard! The background is sweet and I love how you brought out the lenses with the glossy accents! It was cool in Seattle yesterday too! I am ready for some sun and heat! :).

  4. Yummy! My favorite color. Great card!! Not much sun down here in Florida lately either : (


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