Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mr Cardmaker has a Serious Wobble

Well, around here, it's not so summery.  I and when the sun comes out, it is beautiful, but oh, my lawdy bees, it has been SUCH a wet summer.  It was in the low 60s when I got up today.  JULY 2!

Well, my card will NOT help us in my neck of the woods cool down as much I would like, but it is kind of fun!  This was a reject from one of the more prominent US card-making magazines.  Now, some would have a snarky comment to add here, but  shall refrain!


I made this--

I used penguins from Papertrey Ink, and the ice cream sandwich is from Too Much Fun Stamps.
Do you LOVE that ice cream sandwich?!  I do!  I stamped in black onto brown card stock, and then added some flocking on the ice cream part.  Looks so icy!
The fun part about the penguins is that they are on springs!  "Wobbles", to be precise.  I first saw these at a make and take, and I knew I had to use them somewhere, somehow. 
I tried to make it look as though the penguins were using the sandwich as a diving board, and were leaping into the swirling snow, but I'm not sure how well that conveys.  I just know that I got a serious giggle putting it all together!
So, since it's not being published, I will add it to my Christmas card stash.  I like that it is not a holiday card per se, so I can use it for just about anyone.
Have you started those holiday cards yet?  I have ONE.  I guess I had best get started....
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best, and Happy Independence Day to my US friends!
(A belated Happy Canada Day, should that apply, too!)
See you soon--
PS--The house now has new shutters and the CORRECT color on the door and window boxes!  (more about all that when I show you pictures)


  1. yaaay cute Pinguin and I want that ice it looks like a real Ice cream sandwich....Love this cute card from you Richard...hope to see you too on my Blog...best regards...Monika

  2. I'm back! Have finally gotten internet again! I love your card, and totally 'get' them diving into the snow. Great idea - you always give me a grin when I stop by! Bet I know which mag.... keep trying! You'll get there.

  3. How cute is that? I couldn't figure out the ice cream sandwich - thought it had something to do with felt. Great job! I also love the embossed snow "bumps" and the blue swirled snowflakes at the bottom. Sorry I didn't get the diving board, until I read about it, now I see it - duh! And all of this without being able to see the wobbles - must be really wonderful in person!

  4. Great card! Love how realistic that ice cream sandwich looks! Good enough to eat! Lol! And I bet the penguins are adorable as they wobble on their little springs! Can't wait to see photos of your freshly painted abode! :)

  5. I do....I totally ADORE that ice cream sammie!!! The flocking is just genius!!! It totally should have been picked up for a summer theme in the mag!! Well don't ever give up my friend!!! I wish we could send you some of our dry heat and we'll take your rain here!!!

  6. Love your card!The ice cream sandwich is AWESOME!The penguins are Super Cute!!!Your card is Very Pretty!!!I made 1 Christmas card,I too have to get busy.Have a Great Holiday!!!

  7. Too cool! hahaha
    The ice cream sandwich is amazing!
    I LOVE flocking!
    Can't wait to see the pictures of your house!~
    Have a great 4th!

  8. I remember TooMuchFun--they had the funnest stamps! That ice cream sandwich looks absolutely refreshing, even as a diving board! Thanks for today's smile.

  9. What a creative scene you've created, Richard! Two penguins jumping off an ice cream sandwich diving board into a snowy drift ... yep, I'm pretty sure, that is a card-making FIRST!! Seriously, love the texture on your ice cream treat, it's wonderful!

  10. Such a fun card! Love the idea of penguins using an ice cream sandwich as a diving board!

  11. Never saw that ice cream sandwich stamp before: totally adorable! Sorry this was a reject. I have loads of them, too. This one is very cute!


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