Friday, August 16, 2013

Mr Cardmaker is Bloomin' Grateful

My sweet friend Lisa Minckler is a wicked awesome papercrafter.  She comes up with the most amazing, intricate projects, both big and small, cards and so much more than cards.  Her blog is SO worth checking out.  You can find her HERE.

Well, back in June, I shared some plans I had to spruce up the house here on the blog, with chatter about paint colors, etc.  Well, this clever girl has some serious inspiration grabbing eyepeepers, because after she read that, she came up with the most amazing card.  And it was for ME! 

This is Lisa's card--

Is this not the sweetest thing?  This looks SO much like the front of my house too, right down to the little eaves above the doorway.

(OKAY, I realize this is the perfect time for me to show you the "before and after" pics of the finished house update.  I PROMISE I will take the photos THIS WEEKEND.)

Anyway, long story short, she sent it AND a lovely housewarming gift (who can afford to do that!?),
and I am just so grateful to her for her generous spirit and friendship. 

So, I made this--

I have loved this Inkadinkadoo flowers set to DEATH, but I really love it.  Let me reiterate that I am NO Copics artist, but these were lots of fun to color up.  Coloring still makes me a calmer person, even though I've traded my Crayolas for Copics.

So, a heartfelt THANK YOU to my Lisa, and yes, I will hold true to my word about those house pics.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  CREATE something!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. What a wonderful gift of housewarming and friendship! The card I s beautiful! And I look forward to seeing the before and after shots of your home too! :)

  2. Love your card!Beautiful!Awesome coloring!!!Have a Blessed weekend!!!

  3. Finally!! A picture of your door : ) Just kidding : ) Your friend Lisa and her card are wonderful - you and your card are magnificent.

  4. Holy Moly!
    Both cards are awesome, and I too am waiting for pictures!

  5. I love both cards - the house is so cool, but where are the numbers? lol The housewarming gift was so thoughtful - not something that you see often enough any more. I'm looking forward to the before and after photos. Have a great day! ;-)

  6. I'm smiling and tapping my fingers and impatiently exhaling and smiling again and tapping fingers and.... LOL.
    You're awesome with wielding copic markers my friend. Still though, some days are still crayon days. :)
    THANK YOU and you're welcome!
    me x

  7. How thoughtful, sweet and talented of Lisa! Her card is perfect for your new house renovation! I love how you colored the flowers. Are you sure you are not a copic artist?

  8. Gorgeous cards! This is my first visit to your blog-- I came by way of Oozak, and I just loved your under the sea color card, too! Great blog, and lots of inspiration. You are very talented, Mr. Cardmaker!

  9. Gorgeous cards, both of you! This is my first visit to your blog-- I got here from Oozak,and I am so happy to be here! Great blog, and lots of inspiration! I absolutely loved your under the sea color card. Have a great day!

  10. What a super fun card to receive! And your card is absolutely gorgeous!!! Stunning!

  11. What a fabulous card; thoughtful, heart-warming and down right GORGEOUS! Crayolas, copics - you appear to have the art of colouring down pat! Inspiring+++

  12. Wonderful cards - Lisa's and yours! Will have to check out her blog - thanks for the link! Your coloring is fun, vivid, and inviting - love it!!!


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