Thursday, August 15, 2013

Color Inspiration With the Oozak Team!

Well, the heat of summer has led us on the Oozak Challenge Blog Design Team to head deep under water for our Color Inspiration Challenge-

This is our inspiration--

August 15th challenge Anything Goes/Sea Colors Inspiration Photo

I decided to go in a literal vein, so I did an underwater scene of my own.
It looks like this--

I used so many stamps sets on this thing, I can't even tell you all of them.  The start, though happens at the center of the smallest circle, with grasses in several colors, then gets to the second level, here you find coral.
Then outward to those purple things-(sea anemones, maybe?), and finally to the clump of sea growth in the front.
I put the layers through an embossing folder before stacking them and attaching the sea life images.  Lots of foam adhesive used on this one, for sure!
The bubbles are white gel pen and glitter pen, and I tore and colored some vellum strips to give the idea of movement underwater.  The little fishies are colored with copics, and then embossed with holographic embossing powder.
This one was a BIG amount of work, and it actually looked like it would hit the bin at several steps along the way. Overall, I am happy with it, though.  Perseverance is a good thing, sometimes!
Come join us at the Oozak Challenge Blog!  Play along, or just comment on your favorite product used for a chance to win a $10.00 gift certificate. 
I am also entering this is A Blog Named Hero's victorious-vellum challenge.
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Beautiful card!Love the scene!!!Awesome colors!Have a good day!!!

  2. Hi Richard - your card is fabulous! All the time, energy and "grrrr..." totally paid off with this stunning scene! A work of art!

  3. It's an awesome card, Richard! I'm so glad you kept going!!! I am blown away by the details - it really did take a lot of WORK! The veluum was genius - love the effect! - and the white dots do give the impression of air bubbles everywhere. Amazing!

  4. FABULOUS, FABULOUS card Richard - LOVE all the layered details!

  5. BRILLIANT!! I'm so amazed at the layers Richard. I keep staring at them as they blend so wonderfully together and really give off the illusion of movement. You have done such an incredible job with the layering and texturing that the depth of this card never seems to stop. I'm so glad you persevered with this; it's outstanding!!

  6. that is amazing...not amazed that you could do it, I know you always can....but amazing at how wonderful it really is. I didn't notice the depth of the circles till I got out of my reader and came here to the "real" blog to comment. And those fish!! Oh my goodness their smiley cuteness keeps this card from being too serious. What a great card!

  7. Such a happy underwater scene with all your layering. You've definitely captured movement with your torn vellum pieces and I love all the fun bubbles. Thanks so much for joining our Vellum Challenge at A Blog Named Hero.

  8. Oh WOW!
    This is amazing!
    I'm glad it didn't end up as sparkly/pretty trash!

  9. THIS IS SOOOOOO COOL!!! What a creative use of vellum...and all those yummy layers! I'm so happy you posted in our challenge at A Blog Named Hero!

  10. So many great details and a terrific use of vellum too!

  11. Fantastic card Richard, love the fish and the torn vellum looks amazing :) Cathy.


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