Thursday, August 8, 2013

Something Funny's Going On With the Oozak Team

Well, I am tardy to this party, thanks to my attending the one thrown for ME, in honor of my 50th birthday!  I got whisked away to Stratford, Ontario, Canada! TOTAL SURPRISE!
My Charlie was the host of this affair, and we got to have along his sister Sue and her husband Mike (Another surprise!) 
We got there on Thursday afternoon (Aug 1), and we dove right into the Stratford Shakespeare Festival.  Between Thursday and Sunday, we saw FIVE shows--Three Shakespeare plays, a Noel Coward, and the musical Tommy.  WOW is the very best thing I can say about that!  Lots of great food, a charming city, and wonderful company. Couldn't ask for better!
THEN- Monday morning, Sue and Mike headed home, and we headed to Toronto!  My first visit there, and we had a really nice time.  We stayed right in the middle of things, and saw so much of the city!  I am happy and exhausted!
I was actually prepared WAY in advance to post this, but I forgot to set a timer on Blogger. The best laid plans...
SO!  This is my card that I am showing over at the Oozak Challenge Blog.  We're doing Anything Goes with Something Funny this time.
I made this--
I have owned this stamp from Stampin' Up for ages, and I think I have never used it before.  I thought it paired up with my sweet giraffe from The Alley Way Stamps very nicely.  I loved stamping and cutting these My Mind's Eye papers, especially the aqua dots that I used on the giraffe.
I love these flower buttons from Stampin' Up, and I used my old trick of "threading" them with teensy strips of paper, instead of fibers. 
I think the skinny red mats really set things off well, too.
This was a fun one!
Stop over at and check out some of their good supplies and WICKED good prices, and play along with us!  You could win a $10.00 gift certificate, just for commenting on the blog!
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Gorgeous card,
    love your post
    thank you so much for your visit and comment on my blog
    hugs from sLOVEnija Tamara

  2. Great card Richard! Love the giraffe and that sentiment is one of my favs. Hope all is well and happy belated 50th!! Sounds like you had a great birthday. Best, Curt

  3. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Sounds like a wonderful time....Toronto's on my bucket list!
    Card is great!
    I love that sentiment & have used it a few times in encouragement cards.

  4. Love the card but most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  5. Happy Birthday! Hooray for the big 50 and what sounds like an awesome birthday getaway! Yay! And your card is so fun! Love the scene you created and that wonderful sentiment!

  6. Happy Birthday! I'm so happy for you that you had such a wonderful time. Your card is so fun! I love the colours and the sentiment. Have a great day! :-)

  7. Happy Birthday!So glad you had a great time!Awesome card!!Super cute!!!Have a good weekend!

  8. When oh when are we going to see the new door? Or did I miss it while I was having computer problems?

  9. Happy Happy Happy belated birthday Richard. Sounds like you had an incredibly brilliant celebration and spoiled rotten!! Your latest cards are just spectacular. Your style is not predictable and that's what I dig about your craftsmanship...always trying something new and fresh and love the ever wonderful eclectic twist to them all.
    So glad you had a fabulous celebration on your appreciation day AND thank you, thank you, thank YOU for the gorgeous card you sent!! The hubby just retired so we've been inundated with family and I haven't had the time to properly thank you, so THANK YOU's GORGEOUS!!!!
    Hugs to you,
    Lisa x


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