Monday, September 23, 2013

The Crazy, Weird, Bad, Rotten, No Fun Week, and Oh, Did I MENTION There's a Plumber Here Right Now? And a Card.

Okay, so DATELINE--

Thursday night, two weeks ago, while on business in Massachusetts, Charlie has this pain in his side that wakes him up in the night, and REALLY hurts.  Friday is very painful, and somewhere along the line of the day he realizes that this was a bigger version of pain he had, oh, about three weeks earlier.

He goes to WebMD, and puts in his symptoms.  One of MANY options says it could be an appendix problem, but he has very few of the symptoms, other than the pain.  However, it says DO NOT use any pain killers or laxatives, because it could cause problems.  Lucky for us, he is a very good rule follower.  He calls our Doc to see what's up, and gets an appointment for Monday morning. 

So, as Friday continues, the pain subsides; he flies home.  The weekend brings less and less pain, but he goes to the doc on Monday morning, and after everything else it could be gets ruled out, he is sent to the hospital for imaging--a CT, as I remember. 

All this time, I'm saying to him, "I am happy to come with you, do you want me to meet you at the hospital?"  No, no, no...

Finally, at about 6pm, I get the call.  "They are doing the surgery tonight, at nine.  You better come on over."  I grab my keys, and off I dash.

Well, the 9pm surgery didn't actually go in until midnight, and by the time I got him settled in his hospital room and got home, it was 4:30am.  I was back at the hospital at 7:30am.  Turns out the appendix had perforated, re sealed itself, perforated AGAIN, and was trying to reseal itself a second time.  Let's all be grateful for the self healer in our lives.

That's when the sinus infection decided to rear ITS ugly head in my body.

So, HE's in the hospital for two nights, I'm ready to pull my teeth out, they hurt so badly, and I am just about at the EDGE of my sanity bandwidth....
Well, Wednesday he is allowed to go home, and on Thursday, I finally(!) called the Dr. to see about my (seemingly) swollen and distended head.

So, Thursday, I am sent to bed with antibiotics and meds, he is sent to bed to recoup, and all will one day be well.  We're resting, we're quiet, we're good.


Sunday.  I had mentioned somewhere along the way that the kitchen faucet was sticky-acting, and not what it was.  Next thing I know, it's in pieces, and I get the call across the house, "I NEED you!"

Well, the thing never DID get put back together properly.  Oh, and we found that after shutting off and turning on the water several(!) times, that the valve that does the shutoff was corrupted.  So.....

Yeah.  The plumber, bless him, is here right now.  New valve, AND new faucet (of course), thank you very much.  Let's just say, it's a GOOD thing Charlie is back to work today.  $$$ -wise, that is.

Oh, but I DO have a card for you.  Super CAS.

I made this--

This is a Unity Stamp set, and that pitcher was just BEGGING to be done in Delft blue. Quick stamp, and some waterbrush accenting of the shape and shadows...That's it!

Oh, yeah.  The sentiment is done in Versafine Smokey Gray.  LOVE that ink. Dark enough for a sentiment to really show up, but not black, and nice and warm.
I also would love something a bit softer, so any suggestions there would be nice!

I think making the image panel float on the base with foam tape makes a CAS card just a little bit more.....considered.

So, that's my story.  I am still holing up, trying to get rid of this gunk in my nose and chest, and wishing I could flush my toilets and clean my dishes. (Happily, that will happen in less than an hour!) 

Go!  Create!  I fear I must stay here and moan.   Mmmmm.......Mmmmmm.......Mmmmmm....

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best to you.  Stay healthy!


  1. How scary!! Big, giant, squishy HUGS for you both!!!! I'm so sorry but so very happy you're both on the mend!! Oh and ICK! Plumbing issues really do suck! I think maybe I should tell my son to become a plumber instead of a chef if he wants to make good money! LOL

    Oh now that card is seriously GORgeous!! I love the delft blue! Your shading looks striking!!! I'm going to have to try that....I need practice with that water brush! Ha! I do like that gray also...but you could stamp it in blue for a monochromatic look. But seriously Richard....the card is stunning!!

  2. When it rains, it pours!! So sorry to hear about all the trials! Wishing a quick mend to all of you...including the dang faucet! Love that gorgeous vase image and how you colored it!

  3. Oh bother!
    I think you guys need a nurse!
    And a housekeeper!
    Glad things are looking up!
    Card is gorgeous!
    Feel better soon!

  4. Oh boy, that was a lot of "happening" in a short time! I hope all things are looking UP for you, Richard! I love that vase and how you colored it in deft blue. I was in Amsterdam last summer and saw so many deft blue china there. Your card reminded me of that amazing trip! So thank you!

  5. What a week---hope everything calms down for you and that you both are pain free. Your card is stunning!!! Love the shadows!

  6. Beautiful card, Richard! you've mastered delft! I'm so sorry that you and Charlie have been sick! My good ese, that was actually a frightening story about Charlie's appendix! What's a wee. Little plumbing thing anyway - you've survived MUCH Worse! Hugs!

  7. This is my first time popping in to visit your blog. Read about the appendix and thanked God he is a self-healer. My dearest best friend in the world died as she ignored the warning signs. Love your delft pitcher... I am going to return again and again to try to learn the shading. Hope you are feeling better!

  8. That is one horrible week! Hopefully all of those nasty days and the doctor visits are behind you now!
    Your card is wonderful! I love the Delft pitcher and the extra layer does add that perfect something!

  9. Oh sweetpea what a mess!!! Good thing those bad times make us appreciate the good ones more, huh? In my life, the plumber would be more anticipated than the doctor : ) I do love my basic conveniences. Self healing - like a cutting mat - how nice! Glad you are both on the mend, sorry it had to happen to you. And this card???? Can I just say it took my breath away. I don't care for blue, but there is that certain pure no nonsense blue, like lapis lazuli, that when paired with white just blows me away. The stamp is adorable. Just love it!

  10. This is absolutely GORGEOUS, Richard! I love Delft, and you definitely made this fab stamp sing!!!

  11. Oh, and I hope you and Charlie are feeling better!!!!


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