Monday, September 16, 2013

What the Heck Do These Sentiments MEAN, Anyway?

I went on a buying spree at my local JoAnn's a while back, when they were doing clearance stamp sets for something like $2.99 a set.  I am a true sucker for the word "sale."  I snapped up MANY sets.

So, now I own this veggie set of stamps, and while I think the art is really pretty wonderful, I am at a loss when it comes to deciding who gets a card whose sentiment is "grow where you're planted."  Is it for the gardener friend?  For someone who's just moved? Gone to a new school/job?  I am not really sure.  O f course, I COULD just ignore the sentiment pieces...

But, anyway, I made a card--

The idea I was going for, MOSTLY, was the idea of trying to get my doily to line up on the two surfaces.  I had seen a similar idea on Pinterest (BTW--I would normally link to the inspiration piece, but I have WAY too many pins, and I can't find it.  I DID look.), and I found it was actually not as easy as it looks.   This is mostly due to the fact that I am not in love with how big the matting piece has to be if you try that double/tripe time stamping technique everyone was so mad for recently.  So, subsequently, mine took a more circuitous route, but I got there!  If I did this again, I would probably also try to finish the doily on the white piece.  Shoulda, woulda, coulda...

The other thing that was a fun thing to try is the little die cut at the top, where I inserted a piece of vellum.  Can you see it?  It's the white piece, the green one, and then the vellum.  NOTE-  Make the vellum big enough to line the entire inside of the front of your card.  My little hunk of vellum doesn't look so cute, and it is easy enough to avoid that with a bigger piece.

My buttons are "threaded" with tiny strips of cardstock.  I think that is easier than floss or twine, for me, and it matches so nicely.  No needle hunting, either!

So, I ultimately think this is a good card.  I think, however, it may sit in my stash for some time, or at least until I find a good candidate to send it to.  IDEAS?

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Have a great start to your week.
All Best-


  1. Adorable card and yes, I am OFTEN perplexed on sentiments and who their intended recipient should be!!

  2. Very pretty card!!!Love the stamp set,I got some good deals from Hobby Lobby!!!Have a Good week!!!

  3. Lol....I send cards to a lot of seniors, so I have to stop and think about both the image, and the overall card. Some things that we crafters consider WAY cool, they might think, 'what a mess', or 'need to get that girl a pair of scissors, so she doesn't have to tear her edges' Anywho..................great card! And yes, that vellum showing through is too much fun! You are so stinkin' creative - always thinking outside the box! Great card, and one day you will have a need for just that sentiment!

  4. This is fantastic!
    Love the colors!
    I've used that sentiment for encouragement AND birthday.
    If you don't know what it means, neither does anyone else, they're just happy to get home made!

  5. I think that it means that you're supposed to grow or thrive wherever you are at in your situation or phase of your life that you're currently experiencing.
    Ah...what the heck do I know? I love the card. :)

  6. It's always fun to read your creating/thinking process, Richard! I am sometimes perplexed by the sentiment, too( can you imagine it's your 2nd language!?). I often used it in the obscure background (say, tone on tone) if I don't know what to do with the sentiment..and still like to use it! Your card is quite lovely actually. The layering takes a lot of creativity and thoughts (obviously ) and it's sure to be treasured! Love the addition of the vellum and buttons!

  7. Richard, I love the card - it's very cool! I've always taken the sentiment to simply mean "accept things as they are". So it could be encouragement for someone, too. I like the vellum just a little smaller because it very gently hits at another mat. Another layer. The tip about using cardstock to thread the buttons is a winner-winner-chicken-dinner!! I never thought of that and YES it would be easier for my poor old eyes that don't focus right any more! LOL


  8. What a beeeeeautiful card- love the colors and all the pretty layers. I, too, enjoy your comments on the thought process your mind goes thru during the making of the card and maybe some after thought. What things you love and maybe what didn't quite make the 'cut'. Thank you!

    Hey, did you add any more lime green accents somewhere on the front of your house? Just wondering what you ended up on doing.

  9. Oh luv, that card just sings! I love it. And the thread for the buttons - freaking genius!! I love the colors and the images and your creativity and reading your thought process. As for the sentiment - I believe it's meant for encouragement - say for someone who just moved, just changed jobs, just got separated, just had any change in their lives, most especially for people who really didn't want the change, like if the partner got sent to another city/state/country for a new job and the person to whom you are sending the card had to go along : ) Any which way, it's gorgeous - that veggie print with the doily are exceptionally nice together - you may want to play around with that pairing again. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Such a handsome card! I'm loving all that texture and layers and yes, I can see the bit of vellum. My favorite part is the doily that's pieced together. The sentiment is a bit too literal, I think. It actually has a Biblical origin (I Googled!) and your card could stand alone without one!

  11. great card! totally agree on wacky sentiments. no clue what to do with so many of them!

  12. What a wonderful card! Love all the layering. I agree with yo and everyone else that sometimes the sentiments you get are kind of hard to use and don't make much sense. :-). I often don't even use them cause I can't make them work for my card.

  13. First of all that card is GORGEOUS!! I love all the layers and the variety of techniques, not to mention that you used vellum!! I have so much vellum I could build a room out of it so it's good to see fun ways to use some. As for that sentiment...ugh....that's one that I just really don't care for but pops up everywhere. I have a few pet peeve sentiments that I wish would go away but there's always ignoring it!


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