Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Love is an Everyday Occurence

This is my second post for today!
Scroll down to read how I pat myself on the back for my PUBLICATION TRIUMPH!

Well, here we are, Mr. Cardmaker and his Mr., twenty-two (22!) years later, and yes, miraculously enough, he still puts up with me! 

Our anniversary coincided with the appendectomy and the sinus  infection, so it was what you would call "low-key."  Like, "here's a card" low-key.  Hey, it works.

I made this--

I have no idea why this is so blue.  Same camera, same lights, same everything as always.   Weird.  BAD PICASSA!

So, the fun thing here, for me, anyway, is the GOLD being interjected into this here new fangled chalkboard thing I hear tell of. 
Is anyone already over this idea?  Don't tell the manufacturers!  There's new stuff coming out daily that lets you chalkboard better, faster and easier!

I just liked the colored pencil on the black cardstock, to be honest.  The gold embossing powder is one that I a NOT over yet, so stay tuned to more of THAT in the future!

The card is really awfully simple--Punch out and adhere hearts, a border punch strip, and some rhinestones on a panel of pink.  Add your matted image, and a little flourish with some ribbon and more hearts and rhinestones.

Oh yes--The gold hearts were made by embossing a small scrap entirely with gold embossing, then punching the hearts.  Just a little extra "sump'in'-sump'in'."

Oh! Charlie made ME a card!  I love it when he invades the craft room.  He puts stuff back (good boy), and he makes the sweetest things.  I will be keeping it private, however.  Suffice to say, he's a good one!

Is there one of those card making trends STILL going on that you wish would go away?  What is it?  Did you even TRY it? (Just curious--no judgments here)

Hope you find love as an everyday occurrence in YOUR life. 

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Great card - I'm big into the colour pops on the chalkboard and sequins will never go out of style, in my book ;)
    For me, I'm hoping the geometry triangles fad will turn into a fade - not a bandwagon I've joined in on... Ah, it would be dull if we're all alike though, no?
    Glad to hear you got a nice card in return too, Rx

  2. And Congratulations AGAIN!
    OMG! He's a keeper, especially since you've lived through the appendectomy & sinus infection! UGH!
    Great card!
    I still like the chalkboard technique........I can't believe sequins are 'back'!
    I used them when I first started out, and they didn't stay on the darn cards/ maybe now there's better glue or something!?
    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Richard - what a fun card - I love how you used the colored pencils to "chalk" the shadows in the elephants bodies! Very clever! CONGRATS on the anniversary! I didn't realize it was 22 years - that's awesome!! Good relationships take a lot of work!

  4. What a great card - you sure put a lot of time/work into that. Love the elephants! As for the chalkboard - I almost got caught up in it because the samples are always so wonderful, but then I remembered that I don't like chalkboards unless they've just been washed clean, not just erased. Too messy looking for me : ) So I didn't jump in.

  5. Love is an everyday occurrence! Congratulations on 22 years together! What a true blessing you are to each other! I love the card you made! The elephants are a sweet and I love the background you created with the hearts! Happy Anniversary! And I hope you are both feeling healthy again too! Hugs - Jill

  6. This is absolutely precious, Richard. Such a great way to celebrate such a wonderful milestone. Sorry you weren't feeling top notch to truly celebrate in style, but you two can celebrate when you feel better! Also congratulations on your first publication...such a thrill.

  7. Congrats on your 22 years together AND on your publication!! Your card is so fun and I have to say that I really really like the gold embossing and color pencil touches. Haven't really gotten into the chalkboard technique per se, but now that I see how the color pencil looks I have to give it another try! I don't care for the smeary ink touches that are supposed to make it look like a used chalkboard in this technique though so I'm glad you skipped that part. Hey, maybe I just like embossing and coloring on dark cardstock and that's the part of the chalkboard technique that I will latch onto. GREAT card!

  8. 22 years! Definitely worth celebrating, even if you didn't feel up to it at the time! I love the gold embossing and the colors against the black! Beautiful card!


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