Thursday, October 3, 2013

The (Clean and) Simple Things Make Me Happy

I spend a good amount of time following card blogs, and I try to make sure I find EVERY giveaway out there.  FREE is my favorite word, after all!  I really like the ones where they randomly pic from the comments left by readers, because there's no WORK involved (although, crafting is never really WORK), and there's free STUFF sometimes.

I won some really GOOD stuff from Paper Smooches a while ago!  The Crystal Clear set, which has the ever popular Ball jar, AND some really cool bottle shapes.  I also won the Many Thanks set from them at another point (or was it at the same time?), and I LOVE that!

I used them to make this--

I just love how layering these bottles works!  I LOVE colored glass, and this is perfect for me.  I think I will try to see what happens if I rough up the surface of these stamps a bit, because the inks I used (Memento and Papertrey Ink)  are pretty splotchy.  I really don't mind the splotchiness here, but in other applications, I will probably want it a bit smoother.

I like how I kind of get the feeling of forward movement from the placement, and the small bits of sparkle from the sequins.  Happy colors, happy little sprig (Ooo, that was very Bob Ross of me).  All in all, pretty simple.  Makes me smile.

Do something that makes you smile today!

Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Free is the BEST! Love what you created here! Looks like pretty stained glass!

  2. as I see that Jar I already think it is Paper Smooches but I have to read your story first and I think yes they have cute and nice stamp are lucky to get win there...I bought much of their lovely stamp and your card also delicious...I just come back to the blog land ...if you like to pop on my blog..I would be so happy...big hugs from Germany.Monika

  3. Hey there Mr. Cardmaker:) Free is my favorite word, too!! I love how you overlapped these vases. The colors look really great, and the sequins are the perfect touch!

  4. This is beautiful! It has this vintage retro-vibe graphic look that's just fabulous!

  5. You made me laugh out loud, Richard, with the Bob Ross comment! OMGSH, I loved listening to his voice!! Someone told me you can buy boxed DVD sets of his shows . . . now there's a way to cure insomnia! But, enough about him - I do love your card! The way the colors show through the overlapped bottles makes them seem very glass-like! And I'm starting to like the sequin thing. (a late bloomer, for sure!).

  6. Fantastic, I love it. I was just going to say very modern and then I looked above and saw that Michelle Z. thought it was vintage retro. Guess it really appeals to everyone, huh? That IS very Bob Ross of you - I can just see/hear him saying it. All in all, another success. And congrats on snagging the freebies : )

  7. Free is good!
    This card made me smile too!
    It will make someone very happy!

  8. I'm with you on entering every crafty giveaway out there. In fact, that's how I found you...'cause you enter them too and I kept seeing your name. And so now I get to see this fabulous card with the layered bottles and sequins that I like so much!

  9. Terrific design and love those little jars/bottles! Gotta love Bob and his happy trees...


Your comments mean so much. Thanks for taking the time!