Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mr Cardmaker is Not So Shaken

Well, there is SO MUCH to be said about shaker cards these days. I have two of my own here, waiting to be posted after Valentine's Day, because I don't want to ruin it for a certain husband...

But people are MAD about these shaker cards; MAD I tell you! They are making them in every shape you can imagine, and stuffing them with anything they can grab that will fit under the acetate.
I have been interested in all those fun things, especially the hand cut confetti I am seeing.

Well, our nephew Elliot had his birthday, and of course, I made a card.
I wasn't really moved to do a shaker for him, but the idea of that confetti stuck in my head. So...

I made this--

I made the balloon panel using Papertrey Ink's Birthday Basics stamps. I love layering that balloon stamp--they look translucent like real balloons!
The streamers use the coordinating die set with the stamps on top. 

I didn't want to bling this card up, being that it was for a guy, but I did want to make it more dynamic, so I was very glad when I remembered the idea of homemade confetti.
Two punches (a 1/4' circle and a ribbon slot punch), and a few scraps, and I was golden. I just dabbed some glue in the places I wanted the confetti, and threw it on. You're looking at what stuck!

Here's another view--
You can see the dry embossing on the black mat better in this shot.

I have been spending more time with my interiors lately, so I came up with this for the inside of this card--

Please excuse the weird messy junk on the red part--I forgot to get a photo before we wrote in it. Clearly, I possess no Photoshop skills AT ALL...
I wanted to show off the inside, because I was really happy with the way it spoke to the outside design. It references all the parts of the outside, and though smaller, keeps most of the visual impact.

SO, you CAN have confetti without the shaker! I think the other way (shaker with nothing in it) would just be confusing...

Be sure to come back to see the REAL shaker cards I did!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. FUN! Love the movement of the confetti and the bright colours! I also think it's a great idea to continue the design on the inside of the card!

  2. Love your DIY confetti! it sure has that special shaker element to it without the mess (when not being careful). I love the motion of the confetti. Just awesome! Your nephew is going to love it! I wonder what Mister Cardmaker can shake up with the shaker card (wink wink, don't forget to link up to a certain challenge...)!

  3. This is a great 'non' shaker card! I too have made a shaker card for Valentine's Day!

  4. Good for you doing tne inside, I am sadly inept at doing that. I love how you continued the composition of the front of your card inside.

  5. Well I've obviously been living under a rock because I haven't jumped into the shaker card wagon yet (boo!) ... Well, your card is fun and festive! Came by way of Wida! :)


  6. You crack me up. No, you do not have any photoshop skills, lol, but that's ok, you got card making skills & humor and that's all that matters....well, to me anyway:)

  7. I'm totally hooked on shaker cards! Can't wait to see what you've come up with.

  8. I love this card. I mentioned on FaceBook that there was a story there and now I think I may have it. It looks like the Bluebird of Happiness came along and scattered joy on your card after you got up and left your craft room. Or you were working on a complicated layout and left it like that. Either way, it's fun, fantastic, and so not stuffy : )

  9. Hey Richard. I am new to your blog and just subscribed so that I can continue to enjoy your work (and commentary)! I love both!

  10. Love the confetti....so fun, inside and out! Great birthday card!!

  11. I really got a kick out of reading your post Richard! :D Can't wait to see the Valentine shakers, but so love your non shaking birthday card! The confetti looks awesome and i love how you decorated the inside!

  12. Now those are some cool cards. I love the homemade confetti you made too. And, as to shaker cards. I love them but confess I have only made a couple in my card making career. I never know for sure what to put in some of them so that there is some shaking action.

  13. I would have thought that was premade DP until you specified that you MADE that balloon background......LOOOVE that!! OMG....that looks so incredibly great and thinking outside the box by displaying confetti this way is fabulous.
    Always a new mind blowing concept when I visit here. Awesome possum!!

  14. Oh my do I love that balloon background!! Awesome card! The inside is the perfect compliment!

  15. Love the balloon background, and I love how you continued the clever DIY streamers and confetti off the panel. And I reckon a handwritten/graffiti background would look fabulous on the FRONT of a card!

  16. How fun!! Once again you made me giggle.......A shaker card that you don't have to shake and it works perfectly!

  17. I really, really like this card--both inside & outside. Great job with "breaking the shaker", cuz it's a highly creative card.

  18. I must admit I am a fool for a shaker Richard! Something about all the sparkle and shine brings out the magpie in me. Your confetti totally works (and satisfies) and I like the scallop cut out that just makes your eye follow the curves to the confetti. The balloons are stamped beautifully and I love that they are translucent!


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