Monday, February 9, 2015

Mr. Cardmaker Just Can't Leave Things Alone

This week I am jumping into the shaker card challenge at Virginia's View. This one is nice and colorful, so I'm also joining the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, too!
I have some shaker cards that I am holding back, because the hubby reads my blog (good hubby), and they're Valentines for him, so...

I made a new card! I found some stamps that I wanted to play with, and with no more planning than that, I got started. 

I first came up with this--

Pleasant, fine, whatevs... But, snoozeville.  Whomever I sent this to would probably appreciate it, but I wasn't happy, really.  (And, when Mr. Cardmaker ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.  Ask the hubby.)

Basically, there was too much negative space, and the pattern was really overwhelming.

So, while I was thinking about what to do, I went and did the inside.
It looked like this--

I stamped the You, and then grabbed my white gel pen and highlighted it, and added a few dots.
So, yeah, that happened. Whoopie, but not much.

Anyway, I had to add SOMETHING before I fell asleep on this thing ,so I did this--

Better, right?  RIGHT?! Some little white dots on the frame, the veneer hearts, and extra chevron....
Better! (Scroll back up and compare. You'll see...)
Still not there.  

Meanwhile, on the inside---

Can I just say what a difference a few white dots makes??? For reals, though.


Crazy, right?  Moving on...

Okay, so I FINALLY was able to get this thing where I wanted it, and all it took was a couple more little pieces of paper--

I made (and finally walked away from) THIS--

Ahhhhhh......Sweet, sweet, artistic relief. The pattern of the background paper has been broken up and balanced, and there's enough visual interest overall. Ta-DAHHHHHHH!

Wait, let's do a quick recap of this journey, shall we?
Oh, come on, you know you wanna....

Better, but, not really....

Now , THAT'S what I'm talking about!!! (Are we still saying that? I'm thinking not, actually....)
All I had to do was change the chevron at the top, and add those striped pieces.  SO crazy how the simplest things work to your advantage...
So, there's my (VERY LONG and SUPER picture heavy) tale of how my card happened.
I guess, in a nutshell, the lesson here is --don't give up on these crazy things. Unless you rip it, or maybe light it on fire with your embossing tool, you can probably make anything work in the end. WORK IT!
Thanks for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. It's like you added spot lighting! Amazing impact from a few white dots.

  2. Wow, what a difference! Lots of times I have to put a piece aside because it just doesn't do it for me and then on a new day it quickly comes together.

  3. HOLY CRAP! That was fabulous!! My creative side is immensely impressed and my OCD is quite appeased with the balance and I remain an ever humble fan of your work. Seriously....LOVED this post!
    Mr. Demille, this card is ready for its close-up. :)

  4. I thought it was all right, til you worked it!!
    It's wonderful!

  5. Whew.....glad you got that boring card all dotted up! silly man. The first card was perfect....until you perfected the perfect card! Way to go, Sir Richard!

  6. Great trip through your creative genius! I'm afraid when I fiddle like you did, mine usually start looking like I should have left it alone! Not true for your card - I feel like the final version is rich in the details and so well balanced that they appear to have been the original plan all along! Excellent work, Richard!

  7. Awesome card design inside and out. It looks like a tapestry.

  8. I sure got a kick out of reading how you came up with the perfect card Richard! I do things just like this, I just don't tell anyone and pretend like I put the final piece together the first time perfectly! haha! I do love your card though, and the final one is just stunning!

  9. Wow, loved the cardmaking journey photos and seeing the process Richard! When I saw the first version I really liked it and wouldn't have thought to add anything, but those white dots really added energy and balanced the dark papers. Then those veneer hearts kicked it up two or three notches and I loved that! Great final design and yes, I can see how everything added to the whole.

  10. Love the way you "fixed" an already great card.

  11. You do have a way with words on your card posts, funny :) I like the evolution of your card, very masculine colors and of course - there goes that shaker technique again :) I think the heart veneers are a nice touch! C

  12. Richard, this is one excellent shaker card. I like your color and the papers you use, and the shaker is cool!

  13. hello Richard! these are awesome, so bold and beautiful and the shaker makes it extra fun! so glad you played along with Simon Says Stamp[ Wednesday Challenge!

    add a little glimmer to your life....sparkle & shine! *~*

  14. Ahhh, the evolution of a card. I love these stories. I live them every day! Amazing what a few white dots can do.

  15. I love this post, such a fun read - love the card, too... but it was good to see how you kept coming back to that card. There is a card like that on my desk, never finished (though published before as an unfinished piece) but now I think I can return to it and finally make it happen!

  16. OMG Richard! This was the best post I've read in ages! No snoozing here! LOL! I started out on your journey thinking.. nice card ok? so what does he not like about it, but then watching your progression and reading how you thought this through... YEP! You're totally right - AMAZING card - and can't tell you this might just change my relationship with my white gel pen. Will I be able to look at it and not think of you? Not so sure!! Wonderful! Thanks for the smiles!

  17. The journey was enjoyable and a success. My favorite additions were the white dots and the hearts. You sure have a talented and creative "hand". Great job.

  18. What a super sophisticated design, Richard! you have so much talent to offer with your card ideas! I am swooning over the color mix of the sequins and how you used those paper! Bravo!

  19. Oh, I had so much fun reading this! I'm not sure I've ever scrolled up and down so much on a blog post before! I love that you shared the whole process and encouraged us to keep going til you get it right! Your finished product is terrific too! Can't wait to see your other cards after Valentines Day!

  20. I love it - it has a sort of Moroccan feel to it - the good, beautiful tiles feel, not the yuck smelly camel feel : ) Your imagination and creativity always make me happy!

  21. Job well done on your first shaker card, it's beautiful inside and out!! Thanks for sharing the process with us!!


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