Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mr Cardmaker is Safe as Houses

I don't think that Americans use that wonderful phrase. I hear it on BBC America, and I just love it. I suppose it refers to investments, really, but I think it can be applied to so much more.

Think about it. Where else is safer, than in your house/home? Do you feel safer anyplace else? Even when I've been to magnificent places and seen and stayed in wonderful spaces, I know I won't ever be as comfortable as I am in my own four walls and my own bed.

I have had a love affair with houses for as long as I can remember, and why I'm not a realtor or interior designer or architect, I have no idea. Get me near an open house, or a show house, or house and garden tour, I'll see you later, I have to see a man about a house!

SO, it's no wonder I love my stamps that have house images. I have several postings of cards with houses, and I'm sure this won't be the last!

This time, I went a bit on the simpler side.
I made this--

This is Papertrey Ink's Boards & Beams stamp and die sets at work, and some paper by My Mind's Eye.
I chose the red stripe paper because it looked a bit like wainscoting to me, and the quilt paper because it looks so cozy. I popped them off the red card base with just enough room for the sentiment to fit.

The sentiment dictated how much of my water colored farmhouse could live on the card front.
A few enamel dots help tie the colors in, and that one peeking out above the word "home" helps show off some of the dimension.

Like I said, relatively easy, once the house gets colored.
I am entering this card into the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge this week, because Paradise is my home for me.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best--


  1. Love it, love it, and did I mention, I love it! The blue dots are fantastic and I can't even say why - Maybe someone in the house is using the washing machine? I'm thinking that this love you and I share for looking at other peoples' houses has nothing to do with being frustrated designers or architects - I'm thinking we're not so secret voyeurs : ) What do you think? Thanks for sharing.

  2. Safe as Houses! I love that expression. And I love your cozy house in the card. Or as Dorothy always said, "there's no place like home."

  3. Now this entry for the challenge, I love! I always think I'm weird that I would like to vacation at home... Your post read so perfectly how you constructed this card and I'm really digging the bead board paper and the dimensions are perfect with the placement of the house and the sentiment. A perfectly designed creation of paradise.

  4. I have never heard that expression either but I love it and feel the same way about my cozy dwelling and homes in general! They are our cozy spots in this often difficult world we have to navigate every day! Your card invokes all of these cozy and comforting feelings with the quilt paper and wainscoting. Love it!!!! Such a wonderful color palette!!!!

  5. Hi Richard! I love the primary colors and yes, the stripes and comfy quilted top make this feel cozy like home!!

  6. This is amazing Richard!! I love it! I also love houses and house images. I have a ton and I'm pretty sure I have this one too! I love how you popped up the panels above the red layer! And yes, there is no place on earth I'd rather be than in my own home :)

  7. I love your card design and I have to agree....when I get back home I sigh pure happiness because even though it is fun to go, there is still no place like home!

  8. Paper design at top reminds me of roofs. Great choice.

  9. I like that expression....what an awesome card! Love how you were inspired!

  10. So so cute!! I love the sentiment being in the negative space and yet looking almost like ribbon dividing the card!! I never really thought about that phrase when watching tv...but it's so true!!!

  11. Those enamel dots make this card REALLY special! Wonderful creation!


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