Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mr Cardmaker Needs Something COLORFUL in His Life

I am not a hot, wet summer person. To that end, I make it a point NOT to whine about the cold, the snow, or winter in general.

Instead, let me whine (if you will indulge me) about the fact that we need SHORTER seasons all around. Why cant' we have six, or even eight seasons? FIVE, even, if only to shorten the boring, boring, BORING days of sitting and staring at the blinding WHITE landscape in front of me.


I made this--

Well, I stamped. I die cut. I used my foam adhesive and liquid glue and twine AND sequins.
I mention what I DID use, because I have been staring at this card and sort of alibiing for the fact that I didn't do any matting for any of my layers. Did you notice that lack of cardstock behind my layers?

The more I look at it, the more I think I was crazy to worry about it.  I think there is a lightness that happens without the matts. I think my laziness foresight worked well here.

I actually used stamps that have never seen ink on this card, and they're stamps from some of my oldest sets! I was really pleased to finally find a way to use them.

So, after winter comes the season called Whitus Interruptus. Mark it in your calendar.  Somewhere around February 15 until the first flowers of spring. Lots of lemons and all your bright colored clothing, and every happy colored thing you own hauled out and put on display. And, of COURSE, cards to friends.

And the inside, of course--

What do you think? Up for more seasons?
This one is going into the Lawnscaping 100th Birthday Challenge!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. I admire the experimentation with/without elements such as layers. It looks lighter. Your foresight cum laziness paid off. I took your advice and decided to wear canary yellow in honor of the interruptus.

  2. This is a fabulous card, love the papers and design. Understand about the matting, something I find very hard not to do :-) I popped in from Lisa's blog You Made Me Ink - and I love your style of cards. Now a new follower :-) Have a great rest of the week.

  3. Amen to that! I'm all for more seasons as long as we can replace the icky ones. I'm not a fan of perspiring and I don't care how many times you try and tell yourself that you're 'shimmering', it simply doesn't cut it!
    Here's to lemons, happy colors, and newly inked stamps for old friends on glorious cards....
    TTFN x

  4. Heehee! Love the colorful card and your creative way of not whining! LOL

  5. Well this card certainly brightens up a winter day. Great card design.

  6. It's a beautiful card Richard, and I see no need for matting on this one at all! I would never have even thought about it. It's not missing a thing! I'm with you on the shorter seasons. We are covered in ice and snow at the moment with more to come... sigh.. I hate heat and humidity though, so like you, I'm not going to complain ;)

  7. Oh, I am loving this!! The bright happy colors, the lack of mats...(mats are great but mixing it up is always even better!), and the twine and sequin embellishments.

  8. Is this ever delightful! Thank you for bringing Spring to my corner, Richard!

  9. LOVE the idea of adding more seasons! I'm all for adding more autumn like ones!! I usually don't mind winter, but this one has bounced around between almost spring and Antarctica a few too many times... I am ready for flowers-just like the beautiful ones on your beautiful mat-free card!

  10. color...I love color. Your card screams spring.
    I vote for more spring-like seasons:)

  11. I really love this card! It's so light and airy and happy. As for seasons, I don't think you'd agree with me. I think December should be winter and it should snow every day. I think we should have one month of fall and one month of spring and all the rest should be summer : )

  12. You are a hoot, Richard! You know me, as a CAScardist, I am loving the light and airy (but still, in my mind, layered) card you created so beautifully! The colors and the patterns really are divine! I think you can be those extra seasons for the world! We will just come here in the bleak white days of winter to find color and humor!! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Oh, oops, I forgot to say, good job using that NBUS!!

  14. Four seasons are fine with me... though we never get the white landscape for weeks... we're happy to see it for a few hours! But the days have already become so much longer - light-wise, I mean. Your card is fantastic - I adore those flower sequins, never seen those before!


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