Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mr Cardmaker DOES Love His Pinterest Boards

Oh, Laws, the HOURS of my life spent on Pinterest would fill many a mayfly's lifetimes.
I just love looking at pretty things, and I especially love it when pretty things also serve as inspiration. Or, should I say "Pinspiration?"

Anyway, in a moment of need, I went into one of my many boards at the aforementioned Pinterest, and I saw a great photo that fueled my creative fire.


I found this--

 Isn't this nice? SO pretty! (thanks for the inspiration, Heike!)

Anyway, what I took away with me into my craft room from this pic was two things--
1. The popped up, yet small central image.
2. The "stuff going on behind.

Now, I didn't take the photo into the craft room with me, because I wasn't really looking to do a copy of it or anything. I just saw a couple of ideas, and ran with them.
I made two cards, one I'll share with you today, and one I'll share tomorrow. 

I made this--

 So, as you can see, I went bigger and broader with the idea. I started with the butterflies, double and triple time stamped, then added the splatters to make the background. Neutral, yet active, right?
I then moved onto my central element, which was SUPPOSED to be a tiny cluster of flowers, but somehow ended up a big bouquet. Ah, well, I DO love me some flowers...
I added lots of Glossy Accents to the blooms to give them some shine and texture. I particularly like the "nubbly" texture the hyacinths ended up with. I also added just a couple of gems. Because shiny!

The inside--
 I have been experimenting with the idea of trying to put the inside sentiment in relatively the same place as the outside sentiment. What do you think? Is this a thing, or am I cuckoo?

Oh yeah. I scored these Papertrey Ink Butterflies (which I am SO in love with) on Ebay. MUCH more to come with these butterflies.  Stay tuned.

One more view, so you can see more of the Glossy Accents textures--

So, tomorrow, I'll show you another version, a touch closer to the inspiration piece, but still pretty big and bold.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
All Best-


  1. Love how you were inspired...awesome glossy bouquet!

  2. Yummy!!! especially the bumpy hyacinths. Thanks for sharing. BTW, I like the sentiments in basically the same place - cool idea. But then who would expect less from you?

  3. Gorgeous! Love where the "Pinspiration" took you! Love the glossy accents on the hyacinths and the sentiment placement!

  4. Ohhh I'm with you....I ADORE Pinterest!!!! I love this Pinspired card!! The butterflies are so pretty....as is your "stuff going on in the background"! Love that!!!

  5. Fabulous card and love the central layers ! TFS

  6. Great creation from your Pinterest fire.... your take on it is much more colorful and perfect for a BD card... and Yes I love the inside matching the out too. Can't wait to see tomarrows creation!!!

  7. Wowza!! That is gorgeous Richard!! I love the background you have created for that amazingly beautiful bouquet of flowers! And yes, I spend way too much time on Pinterest too ... Love it though!

  8. What a beautiful inspiration - and gorgeous take on that! The bouquet is really festive and no, you are not cuckoo at all when it comes to the sentiment placement!

  9. Richard I am glad you ran with it the results are fabulous. I love the rich gold and yellow tones. Well done!


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